
IBM 5160  -  POST Checkpoint Codes

IMPORTANT:   The following assumes that your IBM 5160 motherboard is fitted with IBM 5160 BIOS ROM's (i.e. not swapped out for non-IBM ones).
Non-IBM BIOS' probably don't output checkpoint codes.

In the early part of the POST (Power-On Self Test) within the IBM BIOS ROM of the IBM 5160, the POST generates "checkpoint" codes.
The checkpoint codes were intended for IBM's use - to assist them diagnosing a faulty motherboard, probably at the time of manufacture.

There are four codes: 1, 2, 3, 4

Code 4 is only produced if there is a failure in early RAM (16 KB for early BIOS revisions, 64 KB for later BIOS revisions).
See the 'Checkpoint code 4' section below for more information.

The POST sends the codes to I/O port 60h.

NOTE:  Most POST cards can't read the codes because the cards typically monitor I/O port 80h (the diagnostic port used in the IBM AT), not 60h.

Data written to I/O port 60h is decoded by the 8255 PPI chip on the 5160 motherboard.

What did IBM use to view the codes ?

I do not think that IBM used a POST card, one monitoring I/O port 60h. Why? Because the POST does something that is not required if only a POST card was used:

    Step 1: Sets the 8255 PPI's port A operation to output mode; then
    Step 2: Disables output from the keyboard shift register (see here); then
    Step 3: Sends checkpoint codes; then
    Step 4: Reverts the 8255 PPI's port A operation to input mode; then
    Step 5: Enables output from the keyboard shift register.

Because of steps 1 and 2, the checkpoint codes appear on port A of the 8255 PPI chip.
I can see them there using a logic state analyser - photo of observation here.

Why did IBM need the checkpoint codes to appear on port A of the 8255 PPI chip?
Maybe IBM's checkpoint viewing device attached to the 8255 PPI chip (via an IC clip), monitoring the port A pins.

Checkpoint code 4

Code 4 is only produced if there is a failure in early RAM (16 KB for early 5160 BIOS revisions, 64 KB for later 5160 BIOS revisions).
Sent with code 4 (code 04) is the failing bit pattern.  E.g. if the bit pattern is 80, what is sent is an endless repeating pattern of 04/80/04/80/04/80/04/80 ...

On my good 5160 motherboard (of type 256-640KB), I, in turn, removed a chip from bank 0.
On the pins of the 8255's port A (i.e. pins PA7 through PA0), I observed via a logic probe:

Bit     |
removed | PA7 PA6 PA5 PA4 PA3 PA2 PA1 PA0
  P     |  0   0   0   0   0   T   0   0
  0     |  0   0   0   0   0   T   0   T
  1     |  0   0   0   0   0   T   T   0
  2     |  0   0   0   0   0   1   0   0  <--- 1, not T
  3     |  0   0   0   0   T   T   0   0
  4     |  0   0   0   T   0   T   0   0
  5     |  0   0   T   0   0   T   0   0
  6     |  0   T   0   0   0   T   0   0
  7     |  T   0   0   0   0   T   0   0

where 0 = LOW, 1 = HIGH, T = Toggling

Moving to multi-bit, some example behaviour is:

Bits    |
removed | PA7 PA6 PA5 PA4 PA3 PA2 PA1 PA0
  1+5   |  0   0   T   0   0   T   T   0  <--- expected
  0+1   |  0   0   0   0   0   T   T   0  <--- bit 1 only !!!!
  2+3   |  0   0   0   0   T   1   0   0  <--- expected
  0+5   |  0   0   0   0   0   T   0   T  <--- bit 0 only !!!!

In the case of '0+1', if I replaced the indicated bit 1, the pattern changed to that for bit 0.
In the case of '0+5', if I replaced the indicated bit 0, the pattern changed to that for bit 5.

( This behaviour is expected, and is due to the particular way that IBM tests the RAM. )