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The procedure on this web page was written specifically for the IBM 5162 motherboard. |
JUN 2023 - Onging investigation. As it is presently written, this procedure may be fine for some 5162 motherboards, but not others. |
Step 1.1 | Verify that IBM BIOS ROM's are fitted. For the IBM 5162, these are shown at here. |
Step 2.1 | With power off, ground the I/O CH RDY line. Following are some places on the 5162's motherboard where you can ground I/O CH RDY: 1. Pin A10 of an ISA slot - see here. 2. Pin 5 of chip U56 - see here. How you do the grounding is up to you, as long as it is reliable. What I use is shown at here. I use that to connect pins 5 and 7 of U56 together (i.e. grounding pin 5). This grounding needs to remain in place for all of the following steps. |
Step 3.1 | Power on the motherboard, then verify that PGA pin 63 (the /READY pin) of the 80286 CPU is HIGH - see here. If not HIGH, use the diagram at here to see if you can work out why it is not HIGH. |
Note: | On pin 63, if your logic probe is showing activity (the pulse LED is flashing) or your oscilloscope is showing activity, then something is wrong. |
Step 4.1 | On the 24 address pins of an ISA slot, expect to measure the address of FFFFF0 hex (1111 1111 1111 1111 0000 binary). See here. If you do not see that, you need to go back to the source of the address, the 80286 CPU, and so you would verify that the address of FFFFF0 hex is at least coming out of the 80286 CPU. See here. |
Step 5.1 | On the address pins (A14 to A0) of ROM chip U34, expect to measure the address of 7FF8 hex (111 1111 1111 1000 binary). See here. |
Step 5.2 | On the address pins (A14 to A0) of ROM chip U35, expect to measure the address of 7FF8 hex (111 1111 1111 1000 binary). See here. |
Step 6.1 | Verify that pins 20 and 22 of ROM chip U34 are LOW. See here. |
Step 6.1 | Verify that pins 20 and 22 of ROM chip U35 are LOW. See here. |
Step 7.1 | On the data pins (D7 to D0) (Q7 to Q0) of ROM chip U34, expect to measure the data of EA hex (1110 1010 binary). See here. |
Step 7.2 | On the data pins (D7 to D0) (Q7 to Q0) of ROM chip U35, expect to measure the data of 5B hex (0101 1011 binary). See here. |
Note: | If you see the data of EA coming out of IBM BIOS ROM chip U34, and the data of 5B coming out of IBM BIOS ROM chip U35, that does not mean that those chips are 100% good. EA and 5B are just a couple of bytes of many in those ROM's. There could be corrupted bytes somewhere else in one (or both) of those ROM's. Maybe a ROM has an addressing problem. The IBM BIOS ROM chips would still be under suspicion. |
Step 8.1 | On the data pins of an ISA slot, expect to measure the data of 5BEA hex (0101 1011 1110 1010 binary). See here. |
Step 9.1 | On the data pins (D15 to D0) of the 80286 CPU, expect to measure the data of 5BEA hex (0101 1011 1110 1010 binary). See here. |
Step 10.1 | Power off. |
Step 10.2 | Replace the two IBM BIOS ROM's with two 27C256 type EPROM's that contain 00 hex at every address. (Replace both ROM's) |
Step 10.3 | Power on. |
Step 10.4 | On the 16 data pins (D15 to D0) of the 80286 CPU, expect to measure the data of 0000 hex (0000000000000000 binary). |
Note: | Taking the shortcut of measuring this on the ISA slot is only doing half the job. The problem could be between the ISA slot and the CPU. |
Step 11.1 | Power off. |
Step 11.2 | Replace the two IBM BIOS ROM's with two 27C256 type EPROM's that contain FF hex at every address. (Replace both ROM's) |
Step 11.3 | Power on. |
Step 11.4 | On the 16 data pins (D15 to D0) of the 80286 CPU, expect to measure the data of FFFF hex (1111111111111111 binary). |
Note: | Taking the shortcut of measuring this on the ISA slot is only doing half the job. The problem could be between the ISA slot and the CPU. |
Step 12.1 | Power off. |
Step 12.2 | Replace the two IBM BIOS ROM's with two 27C256 type EPROM's that contain 55 hex at every address. (Replace both ROM's) |
Step 12.3 | Power on. |
Step 12.4 | On the 16 data pins (D15 to D0) of the 80286 CPU, expect to measure the data of 5555 hex (0101010101010101 binary). |
Note: | Taking the shortcut of measuring this on the ISA slot is only doing half the job. The problem could be between the ISA slot and the CPU. |
Step 13.1 | Power off. |
Step 13.2 | Replace the two IBM BIOS ROM's with two 27C256 type EPROM's that contain AA hex at every address. (Replace both ROM's) |
Step 13.3 | Power on. |
Step 13.4 | On the 16 data pins (D15 to D0) of the 80286 CPU, expect to measure the data of AAAA hex (1010101010101010 binary). |
Note: | Taking the shortcut of measuring this on the ISA slot is only doing half the job. The problem could be between the ISA slot and the CPU. |