2764/27128/27256/27512 to MK36xxx adapter  -  Reading only


That is:

1.  Program the 2764/27128/27256/27512 EPROM in your EPROM programmer as a 2764/27128/27256/27512.
2.  Insert 2764/27128/27256/27512 EPROM into the adapter below.
3.  Fit adapter into MK36xxx socket on system board.

Regarding step 1.
- If a 27128 (16 KB sized), put the 8 KB of code into the last 8 KB block within the 27128.  Last, because A13 of the 27128 is tied to HIGH by the adapter.  Or, double the 8 KB of code to create 16 KB of code.
- If a 27256 (32 KB sized), put the 8 KB of code into the last 8 KB block within the 27256.  Last, because A13 and A14 of the 27256 is tied to HIGH by the adapter.  Or, quadruple the 8 KB of code to create 32 KB of code.
- If a 27512 (64 KB sized), put the 8 KB of code into the last 8 KB block within the 27512.  Last, because A13 and A14 and A15 of the 27512 is tied to HIGH by the adapter.  Or, octuple the 8 KB of code to create 64 KB of code.

Socket for Plug for
MK36xxx socket 2764/27128/27256/27512 EPROM
(male) (female)

[ 1] A7  -----------------> [ 3] A7
[ 2] A6  -----------------> [ 4] A6
[ 3] A5  -----------------> [ 5] A5
[ 4] A4  -----------------> [ 6] A4
[ 5] A3  -----------------> [ 7] A3
[ 6] A2  -----------------> [ 8] A2
[ 7] A1  -----------------> [ 9] A1
[ 8] A0  -----------------> [10] A0
[ 9] D0 <-----------------  [11] D0
[10] D1 <-----------------  [12] D1
[11] D2 <-----------------  [13] D2

[12] Vss ------------+----- [14] Vss   (ground)
                     +----> [20] /CE

[13] D3 <-----------------  [15] D3
[14] D4 <-----------------  [16] D4
[15] D5 <-----------------  [17] D5
[16] D6 <-----------------  [18] D6
[17] D7 <-----------------  [19] D7
[18] A11 -----------------> [23] A11
[19] A10 -----------------> [21] A10

[20] /CE -----------------> [22] /OE Vpp    ( /OE on a 2764/27128/27256, /OE Vpp on a 27512 )

[21] A12 -----------------> [ 2] A12
[22] A9  -----------------> [24] A9
[23] A8  -----------------> [25] A8

[24] Vcc ------------+----> [28] Vcc
                     +----> [27] A14    ( /PGM on a 2764/27128, A14 on a 27256 )
                     +----> [26] A13    ( NC on a 2764, A13 on a 27128/27256 )
                     +----> [ 1] A15    ( Vpp on a 2764/27128/27256, A15 on a 27512 )

Example construction:  PCB layout


Example construction:  Solderable breadboard
