
RTC (Real-Time Clock) Programs for
Various IBM PC Family Expansion Cards

A related diagram is at here.

??? Unknown maker

Card TK-200
RTC software TEKCLOCK.ZIP     (source: Chuck(G) at the VCFF)
"        "      • "TK-200" appears in TKFLOPPY.BAT
• TEKCLOCK.BAT is used to set DOS' date/time into the card.
• Found on a 180K floppy, suggesting that the TK-200 card is early PC.

Card ??????
RTC software IMPCLOCK.zip
"        "      Displays "CLOCK V2.1A IMPERIAL INT'L CO. NOV 1985"

Card ??????
RTC software RTC.EXE
"        "      Looking for _8167 class chip, 16 I/O ports, at base port of either 2C0 or 2A0 or 280     (info source: Maelgrum at the VCFF)

Amstrad PC1640

An XT-class computer.  But it has a 146818 type RTC chip on the motherboard, one addressed at I/O ports 70h and 71h - just like an IBM AT (IBM 5170).

So, DOS alone (version 3.0 and later) is enough.

From here is, "The built in DOS date/time commands will pass the settings through to the RTC circuitry and similarly at boot DOS can pick up the date & time directly from the RTC without needing any special driver to be loaded."


For AST cards.

ASTCLOCK.COM and SETCLOCK.COM    (1982)  (no version found - possibly version 1.00)
ASTCLOCK.COM    (version 1.10, 1984)  (from SuperPak version 4.2)
ASTCLOCK.COM    (version 1.20, 1985)  (from SuperPak version 5.02)
ASTCLOCK.COM    (version 1.21, 1985)  (includes usage information)  (from SuperPak version 6.11, dated 1988)

AST SixPakPlus - Move to new type of clock chip       (requires ASTCLOCK.COM from SuperPak version 4.3, or later)

Y2K issue - Summary
Y2K issue - Fix by patching ASTCLOCK.COM

Technical info - I/O port usage of clock chips on AST cards


The PC6300 computer is essentially a rebadged Olivetti M24.  See entry for Olivetti M24.

A.T.D. Inc.

Card T512CLK-A1
Photo Photo
RTC hardware ATD-20 clock module
RTC software ATD-20 clock module on ATD T512CLK-A1.zip     (source: natevw at the VCFF)
Comment A.T.D. INC Sunnyvale, CA

Boca Research

"        "      Known to work on the Boca Research card shown at here     (RTC chip is a RTC-58321)

CC&C   (California Computer and Component, Inc.)

Card MFC-384i 8 PLUS
RTC software MFC-384i 8 PLUS - Support software.zip     (source: chris_nh at the VCFF)
ADJCLK.COM - Per here, use once to set the card's clock (RTC).
DSPCLK.COM - Show the date and time in the card's clock (RTC).
SYSCLK.COM - Set DOS' clock from the card's clock (RTC).  Normally executed via AUTOEXEC.BAT
HLPCLK.COM - Shows date and time format information.

CompuAdd Corporation

Computer CompuAdd 810
RTC software CADDCLCK.ZIP     (source: vwestlife at the VCFF)
Note With this card, CompuAdd supply a device driver named CLOCK.SYS
CLOCK.SYS is put onto the hard drive and a reference is made to it in CONFIG.SYS so that it is loaded in memory each time that the computer is powered on.
With this method, everything is automatic - using the date and time commands of DOS will automatically update the date/time in the CompuAdd 810's real-time-clock.


Computer ComputerLand BC88
RTC chip MC146818, at I/O ports of E0h and E1h  (per the photo at here).
Source Information and software sourced from https://m.blog.naver.com/bjpower/221689180546
RTCDRV S    - Per here, use once to set the chip's clock (RTC).
RTCDRV R    - Set DOS' clock from the chip's clock (RTC).  Normally executed via AUTOEXEC.BAT
RTCDRV R 2024    - Like 'RTCDRV.EXE R' but also changes the year to what you specify (the '2024' shown on the left).

   An example useage of the last is shown at here.


Computer Commodore PC-10 III
RTC chip MSM6242, at I/O ports 2C0h through 2CFh.
RTC software RTC software for Commodore PC-10 III.zip     (Includes sorce code.)
Source Software supplied by archeocomp of the VCFF.
msm6242 -w    - Per here, use once to set the chip's clock (RTC).  Beforehand, set DOS' clock, because that is where msm6242.exe sources the date/time from.
msm6242 -r    - Set DOS' clock from the chip's clock (RTC).  Normally executed via AUTOEXEC.BAT

Comment According to here, there is a SETCLOCK.EXE that also works.   (Available at here.)

Computer Commodore PC-20 III
Comment Use the software for the PC-10 III.

DFI   (Diamond Flower Inc. ?)  (Diamond Flower Electric Instrument Co, Inc.)

RTC software See entry below for Jameco JE1071.

Card DIO-200X
RTC hardware MM58167A chip, using I/O ports of range 2C0 - 2DF    (source: page 2-2 of user's manual)
"        "      Looking for _8167 class chip, 32 I/O ports, at base port of either 2C0 or 340     (info source: Maelgrum at the VCFF)
Manual User's Manual   (includes usage information for SETCLOCK.COM and GETCLOCK.COM)

"        "      Looking for _8167 class chip, 32 I/O ports, at base port of either 2C0 or 340     (info source: Maelgrum at the VCFF)

Card Unknown
RTC software HXPCLOCK.COM     (source: el_VR at the VCFF)
"        "      Looking for _8167 class chip, 32 I/O ports, at base port of 2C0     (info source: Maelgrum at the VCFF)


RTC chip 82C8167
Comment Post #7 at here indicates that DFI's SETCLOCK.COM and GETCLOCK.COM (see above) will work.
Comment One of the versions of TIMER.COM below, in the PC TIMER section, is expected to work.

Card PII-125
RTC chip M5832, by OKI
RTC software DTKCLK11.ZIP
Comments DTKCLK11.ZIP software sourced from the Simtel MS-DOS Collection.  No particular DTK card specified, however, the software was found to work for DTK's PII-125 card.  The software may also suit certain other DTK cards.


Card EV-170
Note The EV-170A and EV-170B are not the same as the EV-170.  EV-170A and EV-170B have no clock circuitry.
RTC software Everex EV-170 software.zip
"        "      Looking for _8167 class chip, 32 I/O ports, at base port of 2C0     (info source: Maelgrum at the VCFF)

GENERIC: David_M's clock reader

Sourced from David_M at the VCFF.
A replacement for many PC and XT clock programs.


Note:  If you have Sergey's XT-CF-Lite board, and it is configured for I/O port 300h (the default), see post #15 at here.

GENERIC: Strickland RTC Clock Programs

Sourced from the Simtel MS-DOS Collection.
A replacement for many PC and XT clock programs.

Additional information about the software     (info source: Maelgrum at the VCFF)


A ROM based solution.
A replacement for many PC and XT clock programs.



Card Hyper-Port
Note With this card, Hypertec supply a device driver named CLOCK.SYS
CLOCK.SYS is put onto the hard drive and a reference is made to it in CONFIG.SYS so that it is loaded in memory each time that the computer is powered on.
With this method, everything is automatic - using the date and time commands of DOS will automatically update the date/time on the Hyper-Port card.
RTC software CLOCK.SYS
"        "      Technical info - I/O port usage                (info source: Maelgrum at the VCFF)


Card SideClock
Photo Photo
RTC chip M6242B
RTC software At JUN2022, still being sourced.
See https://forum.vcfed.org/index.php?threads/innoventions-sidecard-rtc-module.1238845/


Card Above Board PS/PC
Note With this card, Intel supply a device driver named CLOCK.SYS
CLOCK.SYS is put onto the hard drive and a reference is made to it in CONFIG.SYS so that it is loaded in memory each time that the computer is powered on.
With this method, everything is automatic - using the date and time commands of DOS will automatically update the date/time on the Above Board PS/PC card.
RTC software CLOCK.SYS


Card JE1071
Photo Photo
RTC chip 58167  (National Semiconductor MM58167AN shown in the photo.)
RTC software Jameco JE1071 - Utility diskette.zip     (source: P-man at the VCFF)
SETCLOCK.COM - Used once to set the clock in the JE1071's clock (RTC).
GETCLOCK.COM - Set DOS' clock from the JE1071's clock (RTC).  Normally executed via AUTOEXEC.BAT
Comments This multi-function card is a relabeled 'DIAMOND PAK' card, a card made by Diamond Flower.

Leading Edge

Computer Model M
RTC software Leading Edge - Model M.zip     (source: ldkraemer at the VCFF)
SETCLK.COM - Per here, use once to set the clock in the computer's clock (RTC).
SETCLOCK.COM - Later variation of SETCLK, required after a motherboard ROM upgrade (see comments in SETCLOCK.ASM).
LE_MCLK.COM - Set DOS' clock from the computers's clock (RTC).  Normally executed via AUTOEXEC.BAT


Card PLB-85
RTC software Microforce PLB-85 support software.zip
Comment ADJCLOCK.COM and TIMEDATE.COM will be the RTC related programs.


Card Baby Blue II
RTC software Download         (pointer to www.diskman.com)
Comments 1. Baby Blue II is a later version of Baby Blue.
2. Usage information for CLOCK.EXE is in section 3.1 of the user's manual.


Device dClock
Photo Photo
RTC software Microsync dClock.zip     (source: archeocomp at the VCFF)
Manual User's Manual   (includes usage information for SETDCLK.COM and READDCLK.COM)


Computer M24
RTC software m24clk11.zip     (source: Simtel MS-DOS Collection)

Orchid Technology

Card Conquest
RTC software Orchid Conquest.zip     (source: db2 at the VCFF)
Comment Read CLOCK.TXT

Paradise Systems

From the information at here, Paradise Systems became a subsidiary of Western Digital, then was later sold to Philips.

Card 5-Pack (5PAK)
Photo Photo
RTC software CLSET.COM - version 1.01.zip     (source: 6885P5H at the VCFF)
Comment Type "CLSET HELP" for instructions on using CLSET.COM


When run, these all display ** PC TIMER ** along with the version number.
Appear to be somewhat generic.
For example, version 1.0 works with a CSCA I8310 card.
For example, version 1.2 works on the Samtron 88S computer.
For example, version 1.3 works with a GW202 multifunction card.
For example, version 2.x works with an AST SixPakPlus card.
For example, all versions work with an MT881 card.
Perhaps these were supplied to card makers by a particular RTC chip maker.

TIMER.COM version 1.0
TIMER.COM version 1.2
TIMER.COM version 1.3
TIMER.COM version 2.x

Version 2.x Usage (earlier versions may be the same):

The command  TIMER /S  is put into the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. The /S will cause the TIMER program to read the date/time from the RTC card and set it into DOS's date/time.
Should the RTC's date/time become incorrect, the command  TIMER /I  is entered at the DOS prompt. The TIMER program will then ask the user to input the current date/time then it will update the date/time on the RTC card.

That information can, in some cases, be obtained by entering  TIMER /?

Additional information about the software     (info source: Maelgrum at the VCFF)

Peripherals Enterprise Company

Card GW202
RTC chip 82C8167   (source: Diagram on page 4 of user's manual)
RTC software Use TIMER.COM version 1.3, found above in the 'PC TIMER' section.
Manual User's Manual   (includes usage information for TIMER.COM)


Card Time Spectrum 384
Note Not the same as the 384L
Photo Photo
RTC chip 58167  (National Semiconductor MM58167AN shown in the photo.)
RTC software CLOCK.COM for the 384 card


CLOCK /I    - Per here, use once to set the chip's clock (RTC).
CLOCK /S    - Set DOS' clock from the chip's clock (RTC).  Normally executed via AUTOEXEC.BAT
"        "      Technical info - I/O port usage                (info source: Maelgrum at the VCFF)
H/W config. Jumper/switch settings

Card Time Spectrum 384L
Note Not the same as the 384
Photo Photo
RTC chip 58167  (National Semiconductor MM58167AN shown in the photo.)
RTC software CLOCK.COM for the 384L card


CLOCK /I    - Per here, use once to set the chip's clock (RTC).
CLOCK /S    - Set DOS' clock from the chip's clock (RTC).  Normally executed via AUTOEXEC.BAT
H/W config. Jumper/switch settings

Premier Technologies

Card Z148X
RTC chip MSM58321, by OKI
RTC software See https://forum.vcfed.org/index.php?threads/rtc-clock-setting-on-heath-zenith-z-148-pc.1240920/


QuadMaster (1983) (usage information included)  
QuadMaster II software (version 1.02, 1984)  (usage information included)  
QuadMaster III software (version 2.01, 1985)  (usage information included)  
QuadMaster III software (version 3.04, 1985)  (usage information included)  (manual is here) (software source: Malc at the VCFF)
QuadMaster III software (version 3.08, 1986)  (usage information included)  (photo) (software source: Rolf at the VCFF)


Computer Samtron 88S
Note The Samtron 88S is an XT clone that was made by Samsung.
An RTC is built into the motherboard.
RTC software TIMER.COM version 1.2, found above in the 'PC TIMER' section, is known to work.

Sigma Designs Inc.

Card Maximizer
RTC software STIME and XTIME programs                (usage described in the USAGE.TXT file within the ZIP file)

Suntek Information Systems Inc.

Card I/O Extension
Photo Photo
RTC software Suntek - IO EXTENSION.zip     (source: P-man at the VCFF)
SCLK.COM - Per here, use once to set the chip's clock (RTC).
RCLK.COM - Set DOS' clock from the card's clock (RTC).  Normally executed via AUTOEXEC.BAT

Sperry HT

According to here, use Sperry MS-DOS 2.11


Card Tecmar Captain
RTC chip A 58167 chip that sits at the base I/O port of either 37D or 27D     (source: user's manual)
"        "      Technical info - I/O port usage                (info source: Maelgrum at the VCFF)
Manual Documentation   (includes usage information for RTC software)

THE   (Thompson, Harriman and Edwards Computer Products Company)

Card 623MF
Photo Photo
RTC chip M5832, by OKI
RTC software THE - 623MF card - Software.zip     (source: VeryVon at the VCFF)
SETCLOCK.EXE - Per here, use once to set the card's clock (RTC).
DATETIME.COM - Set DOS' clock from the card's clock (RTC).  Normally executed via AUTOEXEC.BAT
Note Not Y2K compliant.  See post #54 at here.

Turner Hall Publishing

Card "The Turner Hall Card"
Photo https://github.com/erikp9000/necclock
RTC chip uPD1990AC, by NEC
RTC software https://github.com/erikp9000/necclock     (software authored by ebp at the VCFF)


Computer Laser XT
Note Laser XT/3 is not the same as Laser XT
RTC software laser_xt_utilities.zip
SETCLOCK.EXE - Per here, use once to set the card's clock (RTC).
GETCLOCK.EXE - Set DOS' clock from the card's clock (RTC).  Normally executed via AUTOEXEC.BAT
"        "      Technical info - I/O port usage                (info source: Maelgrum at the VCFF)

Yangtech Electric Co. Ltd.

Card CSCA  I8310
Photo Photo
FCC ID FHQ484AC-X1031     (FHQ = Yangtech Electric Co. Ltd.)
RTC hardware - An 82C8167 chip     (source: what is fitted to the card)
- Chip sits at the base I/O port of either 240 hex or 340 hex as configured by the card's switches 1 and 2     (source: user's manual)
RTC software The user's manual quotes RTC.EXE, but I do not have an RTC.EXE for the base I/O port of either 240 hex or 340 hex.
However, what also works (as proven by me) is TIMER.COM version 1.0, found above in the 'PC TIMER' section.
Manual User's Manual