Programs / Software

Adaptec ASW-C164

"AHA-164X Family Configuration Utility"
Dated 1990.
Contains one file, @0F1F.ADF, the Micro Channel adapter description file (ADF) for the AHA-164X series.

Adaptec ASW-C164 - Version 1.0      (photo)

Adaptec ASW-1400

"ASPI Manager Set for OS/2 and Netware"
Dated 1993.
Netware versions 2.15 / 2.2 / 3.0 / 3.1 / 3.11
Targets all AHA-1540, all AHA-1542, all AHA-1640, all AHA-1740, and all AHA-1744.
See the README.TXT file.

Adaptec ASW-1400 - Version 2.1      (photo)

Adaptec ASW-1440

"NetWare 286/386 SCSI Drivers for AHA-154X/AHA-1640/AHA-174X"
Dated 1991.
Netware versions 2.15 / 3.0 / 3.1 / 3.11
Targets all AHA-1540, all AHA-1542, all AHA-1640, all AHA-1740, and all AHA-1744.
See the README.TXT file.

Adaptec ASW-1440 - Version 3.1      (photo)

Adaptec EZ-SCSI

Adaptec EZ-SCSI v1.0 (dated 1992)  (see README.TXT)
Adaptec EZ-SCSI v3.0 (dated 1994)  (see README.TXT)
Adaptec EZ-SCSI Lite 3.1L (dated 1995)  (photo of diskette)
Adaptec EZ-SCSI v3.13L (dated 1995)  (see README.TXT)
Adaptec EZ-SCSI v4.00 (dated 1995)  (photo of CD)  (Quick Reference)
Adaptec EZ-SCSI v4.00b (dated 1995)  (see README.TXT)
Adaptec EZ-SCSI v4.01 (dated 1996)  (photo of CD)
Adaptec EZ-SCSI v4.01a (dated 1996)  (see README.TXT)
Adaptec EZ-SCSI v4.02 (dated 1997)  (photo of diskette)  (see README.TXT)
Adaptec EZ-SCSI v5.00 (dated 1998)  (Deluxe Edition)


So you've got an old ARC archive file that none of the modern ARC extractors recognise.
What you need then is an old ARC extractor (one that recognises the earlier ARC formats).
Here is ARCE from 1991.

ARCE 4.0g

ARCsolo for Windows

"Backup Solution for PCs and Workgroups"
Dated 1993.

ARCsolo for Windows, version 3.02


Automenu, dated 1992/93.
A menu program for DOS.

Automenu version 4.7

Cachechk v4

CACHECHK is a DOS tool that performs memory access timing tests, to see if you have a cache, how many caches, and to check the access speed. Dated 1986. For 386 and 486 machines. File CACHECHK.DOC contains documentation.


CheckIt Diagnostics

These are DOS versions of CheckIt. Suitable for the IBM 5150 (IBM PC), IBM 5160 (IBM XT) and IBM 5170 (IBM AT).
May not work properly on computers dated later than 1990.
For version 2.1, the READ.ME file contains a list of computers that the version has been tested on.

CheckIt will sometimes show you wrong/misleading information - see here.

For running version 2.1 from a 360K drive, see here.

CheckIt version 1.1     (dated 1989)  (runs in IBM PC DOS 3.3 on a IBM 5150 fitted with only 256K of RAM)
CheckIt version 2.1     (dated 1989)  (tests by me reveal that a minimum of about 330 KB of free conventional RAM is required)
CheckIt version 3.0     (may be dated 1990)


A DOS program that shows the contents of memory.



A DOS program that calculates a signature of file/s (in the form of a CRC).


Crosstalk XVI

Crosstalk XVI, dated 1989.
Copy unzipped contents to a directory on C: (directory name not important).

Crosstalk XVI - Version 3.71

Crosstalk Mk.4

Crosstalk Mk.4, dated 1990.
Crosstalk Mk.4 allows multiple serial ports to be used and controlled simultaneously (via mutiple sessions).
Session information is here.

Crosstalk Mk.4 - Version 2.0         (720K sized installation diskettes)


- This is a 1990 dated version of InfoSpotter, a DOS tool that reports hardware and DOS information.
- InfoSpotter will sometimes show you wrong/misleading information - see here.
- On an XT class computer of mine, I have to press the ESC key when InfoSpotter starts, otherwise the arrow keys do not work.

InfoSpotter 2.5

Inside Out Networks

USB 1.X driver for Windows NT 4.0 (photo)


100MB Zip Tools, Version 5.0 (1996)  ("Windows 95, Windows 3.1/DOS")

Irwin's EzTape

EzTape version 1.13   (source: Chuck(G) at the VCFF)
EzTape version 2.22 ("EzTape v.2.22" appears in the readme.txt file) (source: The Maslin archives)
EzTape version 3.1 ("EzTape for DOS v. 3.1" appears in the readme.txt file) (source: The Maslin archives)
EzTape For HP Vectra (pointer to www.hpmuseum.net)  

Some references to EzTape in my notes at here.

Micro House

Micro House Technical Library - Release: 4th quarter of 1996         (no hardware key required)

Microsoft Mouse

Multiple versions from 1985 to 1993

Microsoft Mouse


A program that parks the heads in MFM and RLL drives.


pcANYWHERE for DOS, version 4.5

This is a 1991 dated version of pcANYWHERE.  The READ.ME file indicates that the software will also run in a DOS box within Windows 3.0

pcANYWHERE for DOS, version 4.5              (user manual for the later 5.0 version is here)

pcANYWHERE for Windows, version 2.0

This is a 1995 dated version of pcANYWHERE, targeting Windows 3.1

pcANYWHERE for Windows, version 2.0              (1.44M sized installation diskettes)   (user manual is here)


PKZIP/PKUNZIP from 1993.

PKZIP 2.04G   ( self extracting archive file )


This is a 1987 dated version of Procomm.
Supports the following file transfer protocols: Xmodem, Kermit, Telink, Modem7, Ymodem, Ymodem Batch, ASCII

Procomm 2.3


This is a 1995 dated version of QAPlus/Pro, a DOS tool.
Advanced diagnostics and hardware/DOS information.
Requires 640 KB of conventional RAM to be fitted.
Copy unzipped contents to a 1.44MB diskette- run INSTALL.EXE to install to C:

If you see "Cannot load QAPLPRO.EXE" when starting from C:\QAPRO, you may not have enough available conventional RAM (after drivers loaded, etc.).

Installation diskette for QAPlus Pro 5.28

Quarterdeck Manifest

This is a 1991 dated version of Manifest, a DOS tool that reports hardware and DOS information.

Manifest 1.10


ASTSETUP.EXE for AST Bravo 286 (Source: Metropoli BBS files)
ASTSETUP.EXE for AST Premium/286 (from the "Premium/286 Utils&Diags v5.00" package)
SETUP.EXE for AST Xformer/286 (link is to an image of the Setup Disk)  (source: Great Hierophant at the VCFF)
SETUP.EXE for Epson AX2 (dated 1987)
SETUP.EXE for Goldstar SMC7121D (dated 1987)  (SMC7121D is a motherboard chip ?)
SETUP.EXE for NEC Powermate SX/16  
Setup diskette for Olivetti M111  
Setup diskette for Olivetti M300-15 (source: mcs_5 at the VCFF)
Setup diskette for Olivetti M380  
SETUP for Wyse  
GSETUP.EXE ("Generic SETUP Version 3.0 2/88")  ("286,386 Generic BIOS Setup Program")  ( "Generic" = SETUP information stored is identical to the IBM AT )
Some generic SETUP.EXE's (dated 1987-1988)  ( "Generic" = SETUP information stored is identical to the IBM AT )

Sourcer 486

This is a commenting disassember for DOS from 1992.
When prompted for the serial number, enter S208527-GPEC
sr /?  will show possible command line switches.
If the main screen doesn't display properly, try starting Sourcer using   sr -n

Sourcer 486 ver 4.54


A DOS program to low-level-format and test MFM hard drives.

SpeedStor 6.03 and 6.5


A database program.

Superbase 4 - Version 1.3      (installation diskette) (dated 1991)


Tape backup software by Sytron.

SY-TOS - Version 3.11 for DOS (appears to be dated 1989) (source: Malc at the VCFF)
Sytos Plus - Version 1.32 for DOS (dated Nov 8, 1991)  (label from installation diskette) (source: austfox at the VCFF)
Some manuals (may or may not reflect the above versions)  

Tape Mate II

SCSI tape backup software by Trantor.
File SUPPORT.LST contains a list of supported devices.

Version 1.1 - Installation diskette (dated 1992)
Version 1.2 - Installation diskette (1.44MB) (dated 1994)  (label from installation diskette)


Supports the following file transfer protocols: ASCII, CIS Quick B, Kermit, Modem7, SEAlink, Telink, Xmodem, 1k-Xmodem, G-1k-Xmodem, Ymodem Batch, Ymodem-G, Zmodem
Version 1.00 also supports the Jmodem and Lynx protocols.

Telix 1.00   First version - probably buggy. Also supports the Jmodem and Lynx protocols which were dropped in later versions.
Telix 3.12   Dated Dec89.
Telix 3.15   Dated Apr91. According to the release notes, this version mostly fixes the bugs in 3.12


Anti-virus software for DOS.  Dated 1997.
This particular version, 9.531, is known to work on 8088 and 80286 based PCs (later versions of the software do not).
Install to C: by executing INSTALL.EXE

VET for DOS, version 9.531

WordPerfect Corporation

WordPerfect is a word processor for DOS.

WordPerfect 4.2 - Installation disks (1986) (images of 360K sized disks) (use WinImage software to create 360K disks from supplied images)   (source: offensive_jerk at the VCFF)
WordPerfect 4.2 - requirements  
WordPerfect 4.2 - keyboard template - top (1987)

WordPerfect 5.0 - keyboard template - top      (1988)

WordPerfect 5.1 - Installation disks (1989) (Australian version) (images of 720K sized disks) (use WinImage software to create 720K disks from supplied images)
WordPerfect 5.1 - requirements  
WordPerfect 5.1 - workbook (instruction on how to create and format a variety of documents with WordPerfect)
WordPerfect 5.1 - keyboard template - top  
WordPerfect 5.1 - keyboard template - side  

DrawPerfect 1.1 - keyboard template - top      (1989)

Macro/Program Editor - keyboard template - top    (1988)
Macro/Program Editor - keyboard template - side


WordStar 3.31   (dated 1987)


Known to be applicable to the Wyse WY-2108.
May be applicable to certain other Wyse computers as well.

Wyse Setup and Test v3.00 (source)
Wyse Field Diagnostics Utility v1.07 (source)
Wyse SETUP version 2.17 (source: Dinotech at the VCFF)
Wyse LCD Panel Driver (source)


This is a very early version of Xtree (dated 1985).  Here for amusement, not for practical use.
Note that on start up, it will count the number of files on C:   Some computers will contain more files than this early version of Xtree can deal with, in which case Xtree will terminate.

Xtree version 1.06

Xtree Gold

Xtree Gold version 1.44, of about 1990.  Create a directory named XTGOLD on C: then copy unzipped contents into that directory.  To run, execute XTG.EXE within that directory.

NOTE: If you decide on a different directory name, inform the program of that by running XTG_CFG.EXE, then choosing option [1], then changing the "Program path:' setting (on page 4).
  Failure to do that will result in some functionality not working (e.g. built-in help).

Xtree Gold - Version 1.44