

Iomega's GUEST software will not run on an 8088 CPU, however Klause has written 8088 compatible software, named palmZIP, that allows the use of a parallel port Zip100 drive.

Warning:  Parallel port Zip100 drives have the model numbers of Z100P and Z100P2.  The Z100P2 is the later version of the Z100P.  The model number is on a sticker at the base of the drive.  Apparently, late model Z100P2 drives may not work with palmZIP (source:

PalmZIP can be purchased for small cost from Klaus.  Before you purchase palmZIP, it is recommended that you first download the free demo/trial version of palmZIP, then test that using the parallel port Zip100 drive you've acquired.  (Refer to the included file DEMO.TXT to see the restrictions in the demo version.)

AUG2024:  Klause used to have a web page, but no longer.  A copy of the web page is at here.  Klause still accepts orders via email (the web page has an email link).

A reference to the palmZIP driver is placed in CONFIG.SYS (e.g.  device=c:\palmzip\palmzip.sys)

I strongly advise you to partition/format the Zip100 disks using palmZIP's ZIPMAN tool, on the old PC.

Pictured below is a Zip drive model Z100P2 (power supply and data cable not shown).
