![]() |
WARNING: Opening the monitor/terminal will expose you to dangerous voltages and currents. Those threats can still be present long after power has been disconnected from the monitor/terminal. There is a threat to your body from flying glass fragments, resulting from accidental breakage of the CRT (includes CRT neck). Before opening the monitor/terminal, adequately educate yourself as to the hazards/risks/precautions. |
10Comm |
CM4210 | Similar to Compaq 420 | |
AAmazing |
CM-8452GX | Hori bars in display | Dirty 16v at PS sec. C213 100uf 16v
C109 33uf 50v in PS primary |
CM-848xTX | HV ok, no display | Check G2 voltage (should be 200vdc or so). If low, replace C221 22uf 160v near FB |
No filament glow | DMM will not give reading. Check bad solder on R852 on CRT PCB | |
CM-8428MX | Squeals or R915 burned up | Check: or replace R915 22 ohm 1/2w
IC902 3842 U902 transistor TL431 ZD914 Z30M 30v 1/2w C953 470uf 16v Q615 D669A near FB R651 0.1 ohm 2w. If no B+, check ZD913 1N4764A 100v 1w. Also check HOT MJF16212 for short. The transformer at PS secondary area (sometimes on mainboard, sometimes on bracket by itself) sometimes is burnt. |
Acer |
7035A | Vert problems | Bad solder C204 and other locations near TDA1675. |
7076I | Noisy, ripples, or shuts down | Check: C389 4.7uf (or 22uf) 250v near center of mainboard. (not the same component as on 7176I). |
PS cycles | No good fix so far. Q313 TIP47 shorted R458 2.7 ohm 2w open |
Other things to check | Bad solder at PS connector, yoke connector, C341 mylar. | |
Pincushion | C383 2.2uf 250v C389 220uf 250v |
Various | Check: yoke connector for bad solder C341 mylar: bad solder. |
7176I | Raster, but no display. | Check: bad solder at 10 wire connector on top of PS, also the M603 connector at mid rear of PS. |
Hori Linearity problem in textmode, 640x480, 800x600, OK in 1024x768 and above. |
Q315 IRF630 won't turn on, so C343 isn't switched into circuit. | |
7176N | Loses sync when warmed up. | Replace IC303 (4151) and IC311 TDA9102C/T |
JD144F | Red screen, raster | R944 850 ohm bias resistor on CRT PCB. Replace with 7w ceramic |
Addonics |
MON-7C6 | Similar, but not identical to Viewsonic 5 | |
Adds |
2020 | PS | C11 4.7uf 25v R8 1800? 120? ohms 2w |
Distorted image or dead or HOT runs very hot. | Shorted FB. FB failure is common on this model. HOT BU184 can be replaced with BU806 |
Hori ripple | Try replacing D308 1N4003 with QFR107 | |
Raster but no display | Bad solder at G and E connections from CRT PCB on vid PCB. | |
DM14+ | No display | R821 150K 1/2w open
R824 1K 1/2w open Flyback bad 1-482-049-03 C707 .0047uF@630V poly cap shorted |
LM-1448 | Dead | Check: R926 .43 ohm in PS primary. If open check Q901 switching transistor P7NA60FI.
If shorted, sub 2SK1507. |
LM-1564 | Dead | D927 UG4D 200v 4a 30ns in PS secondary.
This is D928 or D930 in other models. |
SM-5514A | See Compaq 461 | |
SM-5515 Microscan 4A | Similar to Compaq 460 | Has analog brightness/contrast pots, three color cutoff pots, color drivers are 2SC3953, uses LM1203. |
SM-5515G Microscan 4G | See Compaq 460P | Has digital brightness/contrast controls, one color cutoff pot, color drivers are 2SC3953, uses M51387P. |
SM-5517AP | No HV or low pulsating ON/OFF, HV problem | C838 47uf 250v |
Alpha Micro |
AM-65 | See Wyse 150 | Setup = <left shift><left Crtl><cancel> |
Ambra |
BMS4000 | Shuts down after awhile | Check: bad solder on PS connector M605 and yoke connector. |
Amdek |
655 and 738 | Pincushion/width problems. | Check: D213, C241, Q216. |
AM/738 | Flickering brightness | Flyback bad. |
Static when tapped. | Bad solder on power connector P102 on PS board. | |
738? | HOT shorted | C215 100uf 16v
C226 47uf 35v C237 47uf 25v. |
Shuts down immediately | Check: PS voltage, Check: C116 | |
? | Shrinking vertically. | Cold solder @ R443 near TDA1675A |
CM-335 | Dead (integral PS) | C112 1000uf 25v
Check: R908 220k 1/2w? |
Whine, HV OK, no raster, no LED, Filament OK | 12VDC missing from PS. Check: D954 in PS | |
No hori. sync. | Check: C512 | |
HOT shorted. | Replace Q510 2SC3861 and ZD503.
Replace C315 .0015 with .0047, located at IC301 pin 5 Replace C512 100uf 16v near hori width coil |
Too bright, brightness pot works somewhat. | Check: G1 near brightness pot connector P05 on mainboard.
If about 10v, replace C525 22uf 350v on G1 supply line. Insufficient G1 voltage because high ESR. |
Trouble caps | C512 100uf 16v near hori width coil
C542 2.2uf 50v near coupling transformer |
Dead or jittery | Bad solder at C407 mylar at bacheck of mainboard | |
CM-336 | Screen flutters/collapses or dims | C607 47uf 25v
C625 220uf 35v C812 100uf 16v All will be bad. |
Width control doesn't work | Q808 2SB861, center rear of mainboard | |
Color/display problems? | Check: on CRT PCB:
C717 220uf 16v C702 100uf 16v C711 10uf 50v |
CM-346 | Hori hold varies with temp. | Replace IC-201 32 pin WT8042 324F (N32?). |
4NLR | Loses vertical sync after warm | IC201 WT8042-N32 bad |
VGA-C3 | No HV | Q502 2SC4742 on side brace
Q510 2SB861 on side brace C512 100u 16v next to width coil. |
Apple |
MO401 | Shuts down | C16 47uf 35v? in PS
Check: C34 220u 160v in PS high ESR |
No vert sync. | IC501 uPC1377c on side board | |
M129x family | Signal cable pinout: | 1 = White Ground
2 = White 3 = Clear 4, 10, 11 = Blue 5 = Black 6 = Blacheck Ground 9 = Red 13 = Red Ground |
Dead | Bad solder on rear ON/OFF switch | |
Various jitters | Bad solder on rear seven pots and FB pins. | |
HV shutdown after 4 seconds | Bad FB
FB often go bad. Sometimes low HV, sometimes very poor focus and HV shutdown, sometimes brightness changes, sometimes heavy static. FB number 334P031-1 The Taiwan replacement FBT often has the HV lead in a different place, and the top bracket mounting must be broken off to let the metal cage sit down on the mainboard fully to solder it on. HOT is 2SD2095 or 2SD1650 |
M1787 | Goldstar chassis, but can't be run from VGA | |
No raster | C319 103K 1kv cap on G2 line on CRT PCB | |
M2933 | HV Shutdown after 4 seconds | LQ2 IRF960
RL83 10 ohm |
M2943 | Can be run VGA, with an adapter. | |
A color missing | Bad solder at many locations on CRT PCB. | |
Bottom half of screen has no hori sweep. LED lights both green and amber. | C001 470uf 16v on power saving dboard on right side of chassis. | |
No HV | Q405 2SB1375
L401 burned up |
Hori collapse or foldover | C438 .51uf 250v mylar | |
Chirps | Q418, Q807, Q417, Q405 | |
Width or hori lin problem | C418 | |
M3502 | R122 2.2 ohm burns up | Blue mylars bad
Check: HOT 2SC4288A, sub 2SC887 11nf, 5.6nf, 680nf HV caps. C661 33uf 35v in PS |
PS output voltages: | 172, 77, 18, Gnd, NC, 6.2, Gnd, -18 | |
LED cycles | C106
C108 R109 R119 3.3 ohm 3w |
No HV, LED on | R113 3 ohm 4w | |
Dead | V105
C106 C108 |
M4222 | Similar to Philips CSJ5209, but different CID numbers | Same bad solder on 7153 regulator at bacheck of chassis. |
HOT shorted | Check: 7816 IRF620 on rear (sub IRF630). | |
M6014 | Blooming color | L6B2 (for blue) inductor open on CRT PCB. Other colors: similar part open. |
M9102LL/D | Similar to Philips CSJ5209/743. Will NOT sync to VGA. | |
Various 14, Goldstar chassis | Blown fuse | Replace posistor (Sincera DGC3R08M, sub 8ROM CCS No. 34-1016-3, NOT C8ROM!) and SLO fuse, repair solder at Q706 near FB. |
Arche |
214S | PS LED cycling, little or no HV | Replace C416 47uf 160v near FB
If still a problem, replace IC101 3842 in PS. If still problem, check secondary diodes, check R601, replace vert processor U601. |
No brightness control or LED flashing. | Check: C507 2.2uf 250v
D508 R508 |
? | Replace three color pots on CRT PCB | |
See also Helm CM1448M: it's similar, but has color processing on the CRT PCB. | ||
215AXL | Shorted HOT Q503 | Replace Q503 MJF16212 with MFW16212, and add insulators NTETP008 and NTE422. |
215S | Vert too large | Q204 2SC1015 TO-92 |
PX 14S | No brightness control. | Check: C508 on mainboard, D904 on CRT PCB
Check: R510 |
Shuts down when signal cable connected | Replace C412. If still problem, replace 2SC388? | |
Arcus |
DCM-1458 E | No display, weak HV | Turn up G2. If you can see no hori sweep, bad solder L403 hori width coil. |
1414AE1 | Narrow, pincushion, front width control doesn't work | Bad solder on Q409 on heatsink next to FB. Have to remove PCB from plastic frame to resolder. |
Ripple, noisy | C812 100uf 200v | |
? | (in some models) C824 1uf 160v
C806, C808 2.2uf 100v All under TDA1675A heat sink in PS. |
SVGA-LR14 | Bad solder symptoms | Reflow solder at dboard connectors on dboard. |
500902-001/SVGA LR | HV shuts down or no HV | Check: C322 (blue box).0056uf @ 1600v
Later models have .0062uf. If more width is needed, replace with .0068uf. Check: Q312 2SC3885 for shorted outside pins. Remove FB to access screw. |
Continues to short HOT | Bad FBT, Sampo FEA229 | |
Hori width varies | Bad solder at tiny dboard on large dboard. | |
Too wide, hori lin. problem | C350 .91H 250v mylar | |
Brightness fluctuates | C327 4.7uf 250v | |
LED flickers, no HV | C11 330uf 25v in PS. | |
Vision 5L | HV shutdown | Bad solder at transformer on dboard above PS. |
No width control | D503 GI9424 | |
Vision 7L (RM07F11) | Hori problems, smoke | Check: C350 1uf 250v
Check: Q350 1001R Check: Q302 IRF630 |
CM41 | see N461D (very similar) | |
N461D/SVGA-NI | Screen size changes with brightness control or width too wide. | Replace C738 near hori centering pot. |
No sync. | Bad solder on crystal on dboard. | |
Dim and shakes, vert linearity problem. | C610 220uf 35v
C710 470uf 16v C929, C712, C611 |
Raster but no video | G1 (CRT pin 5) should be 44v.
If 110v replace Q601 2SC1921 or 2SC2229 giant TO-92. Located between FB and transformer. |
P766D 17 | No power | Check: HOT 2SC4924
C501 220uf 35v |
ATandT |
CRT329D | NEC chassis, but with integral PS | |
Dead, fuse ok | Replace in PS:
C624 10u 50v C618 1uf 50v C615 47uf 35v |
? | C651
C652 100u 160v (PS sec, B+?) |
7134T | See Acer 7134T | |
Austin |
1765D | see CTX 1765D | |
CB1716SL | See Smile | |
Axion |
CM-1428A | Blurry, ghosting to right. | C525 10uf 160v |
Blown fuse | Check: BD101 bridge rectifier | |
CK-2148 | Blown fuse | Check: BD101 bridge rectifier |
Aydin Controls |
8912 | VLin bad | C521 100uf 100v
C518 47uf 25v C519 2200uf 25v |
9010P | Blown fuse | Check: switching transistors Q711 and Q712 MJW16018 and bridge diodes.
Check: rev. of PS. If MPS-001, replace with MPS-003 for long-term reliability. |
Calcomp |
FC20AS | See Sun FC16AS. | |
Cheer |
VC14C | Dead | C618 100uf 25v |
Compaq |
Series 3200 (1 unit) | HOT ok out of circuit, no HV | Shorted FB. Pins 5 and 10 should not be shorted. |
312A (Presario 1525)
Sizzling, hori distortion like hum bars | C804 220uf 250v pri. filter cap
C816 100uf 35v in PS pri. |
420 | Flickering | Remove and resolder bias wire.
Remove glue on CRT PCB. |
No vert sweep | See note for 420T | |
420K | Various odd | Check large filter caps in PS for leakage around the bottom. |
Shuts down | Replace UPC1498H (?) | |
420T | Various odd | Check C18 470uf 25v in PS |
HV ok, no raster, filament glow | Remove glue from G2 (orange) and G1 (brown) wires where they enter the CRT PCB. | |
HV ok, no raster, no filament | Bad solder on flyback pins, to feed filament. | |
No vert sweep | Check: R215 8.2 (or 15) ohms 1w, located 1" left of IC202 TDA1170N (feeds pin 2 Vcc); if burnt, replace TDA also.
Check: R320 1 ohm 1w off FB pin 5 and 6 |
441 (151FS) | Vert sync problem | Replace Q606 near TDA1175 |
446 | See ADI LM-1564 | |
450/Qvision | Various | Check: bad solder CRX3750 bridge rectifier in PS |
Flickering, vert rolling static | Check: C3763 47uf 25v above switching transformer in PS | |
460/461 | Uses UXO51B010Z processor, soldered in. | |
Hori dark streaks to the right of white areas | Check: C729 330uf 16v, C720 10uf 160v on CRT PCB. If no improvement, rejuv CRT. | |
No display or hori lines | Replace UX051B010Z on dboard with ....214z and remove Q825. Or replace with ....311Z and follow the complex modification instructions. | |
No or dim display, HV OK | Replace color gun driver transistors Q701, Q702, Q703 (FQ235A) on CRT PCB all at once. | |
LED is amber not green. No HV. | Check: for no vert sync signal at CRT PCB.
If missing, replace signal cable. |
No power or gets wider and shuts down | C812 (?), C815 220uf 50v (?) | |
HV shorted | Check: D818 | |
Vert position stucheck at bottom | Check: for cracked traces near standoff near dboard. | |
460P | Uses socketed processor, UX053B122Z or ...012Z or ...229Z | |
No power or gets wider and shuts down | Replace C815 220uf 50v. Always bad. | |
Won't sync | Check: Q814 2SA1015 | |
Dim before rejuv | Check: Q822 2SC2229 near bacheck of FB | |
Too bright, control doesn't work | Check: G1 (should be -25v to -35v); if +20, check R841 27k near FB for open. | |
Color problem | On dboard with M51387P on CRT PCB:
C10, C11, C12 2.2uf 50v C01 100uf 25v |
462 | There are two versions, with different FBT and uprocessors | |
No HV or no initial sync | On version where U101 uprocessor is UX063B219B 42 pin, check JB56 4.7 ohm 2w, located to the left of where video cable comes in, behind round blacheck L401. If open, when replaced verify that B+ is 140+v and U801 TDA4852 oscillator is running at 63khz. Try running it and immediately do mode switch to higher res. If B+ comes down and unit syncs, replace U101 uprocessor. It is not initializing D/A converter U109 TDA 8444P. This unit uses FBT LZI74A304N | |
Loss of focus with temp | This version has 2"x3.5" hori dboard above uprocessor U101 28 pin, and FBT LZI74A304T, replace FBT? | |
471P and 472P (Samtron) | Dead or too wide and pincushion | D312 BYW96E-PH on heatsink near FB (sub BY329-1200)
KSE800 (no CID or Q803) on heat sink with TDA8351 (sub MJE803 with insulating pad) |
472P | No power | Check: R102/R103 270k ohm in PS for open. |
No HV with signal cable connected. | Check Hsync on signal cable. If no Hsync, HV will not come up with other signals present. | |
473 | Chirping | Q7086 BU2508AF HOT
Q8905 IRF620 FET |
Raster/retraces | R3780 10 ohm 1/2w open on CRT PCB | |
Conrac Elektron |
N7C0C0 | No HV, noisy PS | Dual power supplies: R621 1 megohm in PS is open, preventing B+ side of PS from starting. Easy check is to power up unit, try to measure voltage at base of switcher. Unit will start up.
OR: Check: D683 FR302 in PS secondary. Replace with QFR307 |
No HV, noisy PS | Check: D683 FR302 in PS secondary. Replace with QFR307 | |
Pincushion | C622(?) 2.2uf 50v near rear center. | |
Blown fuse | Check: Q621 TIPL760C (can sub 2SC3447). If shorted, replace Q622 2SC1213
Check: R622 .22 ohm. |
Blown fuse | D602 20D62I (can sub QFR307) in PS primary | |
1451 | Chirps | Check: HOT Q701 2SC5149. If shorted, replace with BU2520, per CTX tech supt.
Always replace C722 47u 50v next to HOT! Replace R734 1k with 1.5k ohm (optional) Check: Q406 2SD386A, replace with 2SD1138 Q407 2SC2705 giant TO-92 (next to Q406) Q410 IRF630 or 2SK890 (can sub IRF640) R434 1.8 ohm |
Continues to blow HOT Q701 | Replace FBT 47F13-0330 with Sampo FEA247,
Check: Q102 2SD313 in PS sec. |
Pincushion or HV shutdown | Q406 2SD386A, replace with 2SD1138
Q407 2SC2705 giant TO-92 Q410 IRF630 or 2SK890 (can sub IRF640) R432 1k ohm |
Hori wrap/fold or Q405 shorted | C722 47uf 50v next to Q701 HOT
Check: Q405 2SK791 on heat sink plate |
Dead | Blown solder at ON/OFF switch | |
Dead | Check: D104 in PS (may read marginal).
Replace with QFR307, not 1A. |
Color problems | Bad solder on 9 resistors on CRT PCB | |
1451C | Vert sweep too tall | IC WT8045-N28-2 |
Pincushion | Q404 2SA1015 | |
Hori non-linearity | C233 .5uf 250v in yoke return circuit. | |
1461, 1561 | Blown fuse, Hori transistor OK | Change PS Transistor Q101 (2SK955), remove ZD101, remove and resolder mounting connector on dboard @ P104 EVERY TIME. |
PS Trans Q101 shorted | If, after replacement, blows again, change IC101 UC3842 on dboard. | |
Flashing power LED | R114 should be 0.39 ohms, +- 0.1 ohm. Also check daughterboard mounting solder on dboard. | |
Display size changes with brightness control. | R114 should be 0.39 ohms, +- 0.1 ohm | |
Flickering, 95v is high and won't adjust down. | Replace IC101 UC3842 on dboard. | |
1461LR | No video | Check: R433 |
Display size adjustment: use VR205 to adjust 1024x768 to same size as VGA | ||
1560LR | Pincushion | Check: vert deflection IC201 LA7838 for bad solder.
Check: R449, under IC402, for bad solder. Pull IC402 LM317 and remove glue. |
Pincushion when warm. | Replace Q407 LA7837 | |
Display changes size when adj brightness | Replace C118 100uf 350v | |
Jittery | C424 220uf 250v near FBT. | |
1561LR | Raster, no display | Check: contrast voltage at IC601 pin 14.
Should vary from 4.7-8v. |
1562LR | Odd width problems | Bad solder L402, R407, D501
Bad .1uf mylar feeding an op amp that feeds the hori one shot NE555 or similar. |
1565D | Dead | Q701 HOT 2SC4924
C701 100uf 50v Check: Q401 2SK890 |
Streaks | Replace on CRT PCB:
C632 1uf 160v C620 1uf 160v C633 1uf 160v C617 1uf 160v C631 1uf 160v |
1760LR | Flashing power LED | Check: Q401 HPA100 Hori output and Q412 C4769. If
shorted, check Q305 2SD386A on tall blacheck heat sink. It will be shorted
or low junction (all should be .500). I have seen this factory modified
to use 2SC2898 with a jumper from the lower pin of P308 to the upper pin
of Q305, and the trace cut from the lower pin of P308. Outside pins
of 2SC4769 are normally shorted. Check: D410 for open.
Check: C308 4.7uf 250v, C135 |
Pincushion/width problems | Q304 2SC3468E and the one next to it. | |
Piecrusting | R353 10ohm 2W | |
Various | See 1760DF PS writeup
Check: 47uf 250v cap. This cap is located at the bacheck of the board by where the signal cable comes in and is connected to point S on the PCB. |
1760DF | Dim and too wide | Replace C418 mylar next to transformer. |
Various | Bad solder on all PS output connectors, PS transformer T101, bacheck of dboard mounting P105 (like on 1461 series), P306 on mainboard.
Replace in PS: C111 330uf 25v C126 470uf 35v C127 470uf 35v Check: D112 for glue or open. PS voltages on P106 should be 95, 25, 12, 7.5, 5 Bad solder on P11 and P13 on mainboard dboard riser. |
1760x and 20 | Jittery | Check: bad solder on PS connector P106 |
1765D | No HV | Q335 2SC4769 HOT
Q338 2SK1377 R470 .68 ohm 1w IC303 UC3843M R465 10k ohm 1/4w (sometimes burnt) R496 value unknown (2.5 ohm?) D327 BYV26C sub SF36 |
1785GME | Dead | Shorted bridge.
Check: bad solder on PS secondary harness connector. |
3436 | Dead | Check: R143 1.8 ohm 5w ceramic in PS |
5431 | Vert colored bar on rt side | C704, C705, C706 2.2uf 50v on CRT PCB.
Also resolder CRT socket |
5468 | Hori linearity problem | C322 .39J 400v. ESR should be less than 10. |
Dead | Check: R104 | |
Dead, no LED, but PS runs | Check: FB pin 9 for B+ of 105v. If present, look for bad solder at T301 hori coupling transformer. | |
Chirps | Check: R103; changes value | |
Dim | Replace R303 270k with 470k 1/2w. Helps. | |
5468A | Vertical collapse when smacked | Check: for bad solder on C208 under CRT at front of mainboard. |
Shorted HOT Q301 2SC3892A | Check: also Q419 2SK357 B+ regulator
D435 PH-33G |
5468NI | Too wide | Replace C314 .0082 630v mylar |
Vert compressed | C403 mylar? near center left of mainboard. | |
Vert compressed | Add resistor 100k ohm across pins 2 and 4 on IC402. | |
Dead | Check: HOT Q301 2SC3892A
D435 PH-33G Q419 2SK357 |
6468ES | Shorted HOT Q701 | Check: add-on zener diode under ceramic resistors R404/R407; may be shorted. |
Daewoo |
1502B1 | Pincushion, smoke | D602 near FB. Fried, beyond ID. Sub'd FR155.
Q604 2SB988 |
Darius |
D-1450 | Hori phase or sync problem | C502 .0056 100v mylar off pin 14 of I504 74HC4538AP at center front of mainboard. |
Datas |
(Edison, Sceptre, Royal) |
Dead, fuse ok | Q71 2SC4236 switcher. Can sub 2SC4237
Q72 2SD667 switcher driver C709 10uf 50v hidden under transformer C711 2.2uf 50v (not always bad) R706 .68 ohms 1w R702, R703 100k ohm 1/2w filter bleeders |
Vert linearity | C412 3.3uf 160v
C303, C304 47uf 16v |
Slow HV startup | C524 10uf 50v
C410? 47uf 25v C801 .47uf 50v C803 100uf 25v |
Vert bars in display | C207 330uf 16v | |
Color problems | C126, C127, C128 2.2uf 50v
C310 10uf 160v |
Daytec |
DT1418AD | Dead or white display | Check: pin #1 on FB for blown solder. |
DT14-SNI | Hori static in display | B+ filter cap C812 100uf 200v at PS secondary. See also AST 1414E1. Check: bad solder Q382 on heat sink plate around FB. |
DT1530 | No display | Resolder all pins on CRT socket. |
DT1731 | No HV | B+ Ok, voltage on HOT xformer ok:
IC341 LM7812 regulator near FBT |
Dell |
15fs | Too wide | Check: D405 MUR460. May read ok, but try replacing it. Check: Q510 2SB716 for short. |
Shorted HOT Q403 BUH715 or very noisy operation and HOT gets hot. | C961 1uf 50v
C417 10uf 250v C401 10uf 25v C403 2.2uf 50v |
17ES/P1728U | No HV, flashing LED | check/replace HOT Q503 2SC5044. If shorted, check Q534 2SJ307. After, check for these getting too hot. No known repair if they do. |
Odd picture | Requires special external signal cable w/unique pinouts. | |
17FS-N/VC7N | HV shutdown | Cooling fan dragging/locked up/not coming up to speed; shuts down PS. |
D1728D-LS | Color missing | IC102 LM2427T |
DL-1460NI | Dead | D110 HER305 400v 5A 35ns in PS secondary |
Vi1428u | Display blanks | Check: C414 10uf 250v near FBT
Check: C424 33uf 160v near FBT Check: C438 1uf 160v near signal cable |
VC-3 | See NEC 2A (JC-1403) | VC-3 is the same mainboard, with different brightness/contrast controls. |
Digital |
PC7XV-DE | See AST 500902-001 | |
PCXAV-F | Dims out over 30 minutes | G2 drops off from 190v to zero.
Gray focus divider is the problem. HQ3376CP 92611 VDE-REG.-NR.4453 |
PCXBV-DE | ALWAYS REPLACE! | C466 22uf 160v near FBT. |
No HV | Bad solder L401 near FBT | |
See also PCXBV-DE, which is very similar. | ||
PCXBV-PE | ALWAYS REPLACE! | C466 22uf 160v near FBT. |
No brightness control or blacheck display (no G1) | C466 22uf 160v near FBT.
Q412 BF422 TO-92 R477 47k 1w (drifts to 53k, too high) |
Too wide | C457 4.7uf 50v NP in HV section
Q406 2SK526 D405 (9132) |
Vert foldover, screen pulsating at full width | C818 100uf 250v PS secondary, B+ | |
Dead, shorted HOT | Q808 2SK526
Q402 2SC5002 |
Bad moire pattern | see "no brightness control" | |
PCXBV-RD | Dead, smoked | Blown solder at L406 hori width coil. |
Digiview |
HR-1428 | See AOC CM-335 (with separate PS) | |
MMD-1700T | See Taxan 640 | |
E-Machine |
T16 GDM1602 1950 (Sony) | Pincushion problem | Replace (2) RC4558 on dboard #DB. |
T16 II | See Mag MX17 | |
Edison |
CM1402 | Vert foldover | Check: C417 |
1439SV | No sync (H or V) | No 5v on ICs. Check: IC502 5v regulator. |
No contrast change from front panel. | Replace LM1203N. | |
Electrohome |
38-K41IMJ-01 | Won't sync on green | HSync = Gray, pin 8 (internal cable)
VSync = White, pin 9 (internal cable) HSync = pin 4 (DB9) VSync = pin 5 (DB9) Check: for 12v at IC LM1881 pin 8 on sync separator PCB (PCB under label). If no voltage present, Add jumper wire from IC901 LM1203 pin 1 to connector PL901 pin 10. |
SA-770 | Dead | C635 22uf 250v rear center of mainboard,
Q630 IRF634A FET, D632 31DF4 Diode (watch out! on one rig I repaired, the cathode is silkscreened one direction on the top of the PCB (correctly) and another way on the bottom (incorrectly). From Anatek: "EMC is now recommending a chassis modification, to reduce the value of C635 to 10 uF/250V (from 22 uF). Apparently, the original value of C635 was excessive, and overstressed the circuit, causing the failure of the rectifier, cap, and FET. Also, D632 is now recommended to be outright replaced, regardless of how it checks, when C635 has failed; the rectifier can be damaged, yet still test fine on a DMM." |
Emerson |
1415EM | HV OK, no display | Coil open in filament circuit on mainboard. Marked as a resistor. |
1420EM | HV OK, no display | Bad solder in PS to filament circuit. |
Epson |
T1184U | Raster, too bright | C235 22uf 350v next to FBT |
Hori tears, varies with width | Adj. VR703 on defl dboard. | |
Esprit |
Opus 2/3n1/4
(vid PCBs are similar) |
WARNING! | Discharge large cap on CRT PCB before removing video PCB. |
Replace list (Opus 2/3n1): | C805 = 6.8uf 50v NP
C808 = 680uf 50v C812, C813 = 4.7uf 250v C802, C806, C841 = 1uf 100v (C841: negative leg toward FB) C602, C612 = 1000uf 25v C605 = 100uf 25v |
Replace list (Opus 4): | C805 = 5.6uf 50v NP
C808 = 680uf 50v C812, C813 = 4.7uf 250v C802, C806, C810 = 1uf 100v C801 = 4.7uf 50v C602, C612 = 1000uf 25v C605 = 100uf 25v |
Vert ok, little or no Hori | Check: C805 NP 5.6uf 35v near FB | |
Display shifted to either side | If replacing the HOT and caps doesn't fix this, adjust the hori phase (blue pot on logic PCB near AC socket) | |
Shorted HOT Q802 BU406 | Replace with BU806 or BU807 | |
(Opus 2/3 and 4 PSs are similar) | Noisy PS replace list: | C906 100uf 25v
C905 10uf 16v |
(4 diode heat sink version only. May check OK, replace it anyway) | C931 470uf 16v | |
(1 diode heat sink version) | C919 10uf 16v | |
Hot regulator in PS (front heat sink, L200C) (not a complete cure) | C916 470uf 25v
C915 1000uf 25v |
Dead PS | Check: shorted Q901 2SC3150. If shorted, replace Q902 2N2222A, Check: shorted IC901 optocoupler CQY80NG at connection to base of 2222A. | |
ESP6310 | WARNING! | CRTs do not self discharge! |
PS low voltage (should be 15v to video PCB) | Replace C506 and C507 1uf 50v in PS. | |
? | Check: C506, C507 1uf 100v | |
Everview |
TCM-0456 | Hori linearity problem | C419 474J 250v mylar (poly?) |
TCM-0700 | Dead PS | In PS, ck:
diode D18 Q1 2SK1461 Q2 9314 IC1 UC3842 oscillator. On mainboard, ck: C630 220uf 250v near FB |
Eye-Q |
CM48U | See AST CM41 | |
Falco |
500 | Component list for vid PCB P/N 230265 (7 pots face up). | R609 = 120 ohm 0.5w. Burns up. |
Various | Check: C411 470uf 25v
On PS w/(2) filter caps, they both go bad: C6/C7 100uf 250v |
No video | On PS w/(1) filter cap and (2) output connectors, low vid voltage (under 11.5v), replace:
C17, C20 = 1000uf 25v C22, C23 = 2200uf 25v On PS w/(1) filter cap and single output connector: (style 1) replace C7 1000uf 25v (style 2) replace C7 47uf 50v C12 10uf 35v |
Brightness Control: | <Ctrl-Up> and <Ctrl-Dn> | |
Yoke connections to vid. PCB: | Front: Orange-White-Blue-Red: back. | |
Gateway |
? | No (?) sweep or smoked. | C144 R153 Q115 D107 D113. |
PMV1448 | Raster, no video | Check: contrast pot, replace IC601 LM1203AN (Phillipines) with another sourced 1203. |
PS problem | Check: C232 330uf 100v in PS on 80v line. | |
High pitched whine in 800x600 | C308 47uf 35v in PS
C311 47uf 35v in PS C319 220uf 35v in PS C330 220uf 35v in PS |
PMV1448NI (1024NI) | Hori ripple | Check: C204 and C206 0.1uf |
PS Dead, fuse OK | C308 330uf 25v or 47uf 35v
C319 220uf 25v |
PS Dead, fuse blown | Check: Q301 switcher SSP4N70, sub 2SK1023
Check: D308, sub QFR307 Check: C319 220uf 25v If still won't oscillate, replace IC301 UC3842 |
PMV14VC (1024NI) | Display dim (or goes dim) | Check C503, C510 near FB, C515 |
Vert shrinking | Replace IC201 TDA1675
When replacing the vertical IC on this monitor, change C201 to a 220uf 35V . Change the jumper J118 to a 1k ohm 1/4 watt resistor. This should prevent IC201 TDA1675 from burning out again. |
Vert linearity problem during warmup | Replace:
ZD201 3.2v 1/2w Q203 C945 C205 C206 mylar .01uf 50v C208 mylar .33uf 50v |
PS Crowbars | Flybacks short in this model. Try desoldering pins 1,9,10. If PS comes up, replace FB. TF2-3V0-070-L3 or L5 | |
PS Crowbars | Try unplugging the power cable to the color board under CRT neck. IF HV comes up, check all tantalum caps (yellow) on color board for shorts. | |
CS1024NI2 | No vert deflection, or too wide and pincushion | Check: bad solder at yoke connector.
R241 20 ohm 1w, ZD202 20v 1/2w Check: R335 33.2k ohm Check: R325 33.2k ohm in PS regulation feedbacheck (see "smoked" below). It drifts high, and PS will run high as a result. Check: 180v line at pad on bottom of mainboard. If it can't be adjusted to 180v or lower, using VR301, R325 is probably high. If IC201 TDA1175A is bad (pins 4 and 5 shorted), check C205 220uf 35v on Vcc line pin 2. |
Smoked | Check: R325 33.2k ohm 2w, which feeds IC303 TL431 through R326 887 ohm 1/2w.
Check: Q303 2SD799 B+ regulator. |
LED blinks, HOT OK | Check: IC201 TDA1170. Pins 4 and 5 should NOT be shorted. | |
1430+ | No brightness control | Check: R761 |
CS1572 Vivitron | See Sony CPD-15F13 | |
CS1572FS | Noise/whine in PS, Ripple in display. | R331 (behind PS transformer) should be 91k ohm, may have drifted to 100+k ohm.
Replace with 1% metallized resistor. Adjust 85vdc afterward. If symptoms persist, check ZD302 12.2v. |
Intermittent purple display | Check: signal cable ground; may be loose where it is crimped to clamp at chassis? | |
Vert size changing | Bad solder R302, Q105 (swivel base hits them). | |
Shorted HOT | Bad coil L106. 6mh or better.
Check: C116 10uf 50v |
No HV | No HOT oscillation at base: check IC706 regulator (near R331 on heat sink w/dboard on top) for 12v output. If low, check Q121 2SH945 (sub 2SC945) 2" bacheck and to the right. Shorted and holding 12v down. | |
Jittery, display tries to collapse. | Glue, or bad solder on 1"x1.5" dboard screwed to top of heatsink IC706 under CRT. | |
Wide, pincushion | Check: D104 31DF for low forward bias | |
CS1776LE | See Mag DX17F | |
DX17S Vivitron | HV Shutdown | See Mag DX17F note for HV shutdown and TL082. |
YE0711-01, aka (MON017010AAWW) | Display shifted to right, all controls work. | R515 4.7 ohm 1/2w, near FBT
D505 ? sub 1N1004 near front IC |
Problem spots: | C232 4.7uf 50v bipolar
C514 4.7uf 160v to rear of FBT |
Goldstar |
Various models | Blown fuse | See note in Apple section about posistor DGC3RO8M |
1460 | No HV | Check: R715-1 15 ohm. Will drift high. |
1460DL | Loses hori sync. | Check: C710 mylar 222J. |
Helm/Impression |
IM1428SV | No LED, fuse OK | Open resistor R807, 47k ohm 2w |
HV shutdown | C424 33uf 160v near FB | |
Reduced size and dark | C204 1uf 50v | |
CM1448M | Replace always list: | C430 22uf 200v near FB
C309 10uf 200v near FB C428 1uf 50v coupling trans C319 100uf 25v vert proc. C839 10uf 200v PS sec. C826 22uf 200v PS sec. C904 4.7uf 100v CRT PCB C934 4.7uf 100v CRT PCB C964 4.7uf 100v CRT PCB |
Chirping PS/HV shutdown | D809, D/Q808 2SK526 transistor on heat sink. Check: R430, C309 10uf 200v near FB, C838. Check: D402 BY329 by yoke connector.
Lastly, replace TDA4800. |
No power | Check: C319 100uf 25v near vert processor.
If shorted HOT Q403 2SC3884, replace with 2SC3886 and replace C428 1uf 50v near coupling transformer. Also check coil L802 for burnt. Will still chirp after HOT replaced if L802 is shorted. Replace with a coil of about 15mh. |
Width too narrow | Replace:
C827 47uf 200v PS Sec. C839 10uf 200v PS Sec. C838 100uf 200v PS Sec. C428 1uf 50v coupling transformer D/Q808 2SK526 near signal cable |
Color problems | Check: R933 on CRT PCB. Will have burned solder off. | |
Color problems | Color adjust pots VR304, VR305, VR306 burn up. 20k ohm. | |
Brightness pot doesn't work. | If G1 is +12v instead of -30v to -40v, check R325 20k or 27k near FB for open. Replace C309 10uf 200v near FB | |
DCM-1588 or Impression5 | Dead | Bad solder on isolation transformer by AC socket. |
Hitachi |
CM2086A 3UX | No power or shuts down during warmup (< 15 min.) | Bad solder T902 in PS |
HM4319-D | PS cycles | C108 47uf 100v
C103 10uf 50v |
HP |
D1187A | See Mitsubishi 6905 | |
D1195A | Dim | C132 100uf 16v heater filter |
D280xA (Samsung) | Vert foldover, too bright, raster shows | Check: for burnt R201 100 ohm 1w. Replace IC201 TDA8351 which apparently draws too much current on pin 3? |
PS voltage too high | Check: R111 33k under heat sink. If open, the STR58041 will overdrive. | |
Smoking | Check: D801 1N4937 near FB. | |
Hyundai |
? | Screen shifted to side. | Replace hori centering pot and C527 mylar, C531. |
HCM-401 | Squeals, no HV | C217 10uf 100v on CRT PCB 75v line
Usually caused by PS caps failing. |
Noisy on power up | C712, C713 100uf 160v in PS
C709 47uf 16v in PS |
HCM-402C | Noisy PS, no HV | Check: C526 220uf 25v, near ceramic resistors (which will have bad solder). |
Vertical problems | C409 2.2uf 50v | |
HCM-423E | No raster, whining. | Check: voltage off the transformer that feeds the base of Hori. Output Transistor: should be 22VDC. If so, replace IC TDA1180P @ U504 |
HCM-437E | Brightness problem | C324 10uf 250v near FB |
HN-485S | Bad ripple, noisy | Heat/freeze C754 472K. Replace if symptoms change. |
HV4850 | No B+ or dead PS | D706 2SD401A near PS |
I-O Corporation |
1196 | Dead | C6 47uf 25v in PS |
Ripple | C9 470uf 25v in PS | |
3180 | Various | On mainboard, replace:
C241 4.7uf 350v C212 10uf 160v C242 100uf 160v C102 47uf 50v C103 22uf 63v |
5153 (CGA) | Dead or shuts down | C812 1uf
C815 4.7uf 50v C826 47uf C507, C537, C567 2.2uf R213 2.2 ohm 1/2w fusible C821 47uf FBT TFB150A HOT T401 TLN114 Q801 2SD1185 |
Dim | R438 200k ohm 1/4w
C509 4.7uf 250v on CRT PCB |
Display drifts to side | C213 1uf | |
No vert sync | Q402 HA11235 vert IC
If problem persists: C305 140pf C307 470pf |
Vertical collapse | C308 (330uf 16v) short, which opened R312 - see here | |
Vert problem | C302 1uf 50v near HA11235 | |
5154 (EGA) | Dead or shuts down or comes up slowly | If PS outputs too high:
C11 47uf C13 10uf C14 1uf Also check T5, T6, T102 MJE13005 L252 8.25mh, 2.2ohms T400 TIP30B T251 BUX32B HOT? T103 BU208 R105 1k ohm 1/4w R115 220 ohm 1/4w IC100 LM324 C605, C705, C805 22uf |
Shuts down immediately | C812, C815, C826 | |
Vert foldover in CGA mode | IC400 HCF4053BE
C311 100uf |
Arcing noise, intermittent startup | D103
T102 MJE13005 IC100 LM324 |
Color(s) missing | T605, T705, T805 2SC1507
T606, T706, T806 2N2369 D801, D802, D803 1N4148 |
Pincushion | IC401 LM324N
B+ filter caps 220uf 250v |
Display shifted to side | D401 | |
Raster, no video | R110 2.2k ohm 1/4w
D102 BA159 |
Streaks, dimming to right | T706 SK3444 | |
Too wide, hori wrap | T400 TIP30B | |
No hori sweep | T400 TIP30B
IC401 LM324N |
6312-001 | Dead | C028 1uf 50v in PS under heat sink |
6314-001 (Goldstar) | Hori wrap, small display. | Check bad solder on dboard connector mounts P701 near FB. Repair by bypassing bad connector with wire. |
Various jitters | Bad solder yoke connector P702, Q705 near FB, IC601 on Rt side, R952 and R953 in PS secondary. | |
6321-001 | Dead | R111 burned. 3.9 ohm 2w seems to work ok. |
6542-301 | No display or HV shutdown | C164 1000uf 25v PS secondary filter
C162 470uf 25v filter to 15v/12v line. C161 100u 100v for good measure. |
6543-301 | HV shutdown, slow startup, chirping HV | C164 1000uf 25v PS secondary filter
C162 470uf 25v filter to 15v/12v line. C161 100u 100v for good measure. |
7534 (EGA) | Dead or shuts down | Can be FBT TFB-176G or TCH-141
Q408 2SC2898 Q305, Q412 HD14053BP R32 780k ohm 1/2w In PS: C3 330uf 35v C4 10uf 35v C10 1uf 50v C32 47uf 200v If Q408 hot, ck: Q409 HA17324. If still hot, replace FBT Q407 BU208 Q209, Q210 BC307B Q408 2SC2898 Q403 2SC1094 R444 10 ohm 1w R445 470 ohm 1/4w R446 56k ohm 1/4w C418 2.7uf Q405 2SB856 L401 TCH-141 CCS #34-1029 |
Shuts down | C409 47uf 16v
C432 22uf 50v |
No vert sweep | R320 2.2 ohm 1w
Q302 2SD1138C Q303 2SB861C Q401 HA11235 Q301 2SC2921 |
Vert foldover | C314 4.7uf 160v, next to Q304 near vert section. | |
Comes up slowly | R28 100k ohm 2w | |
Raster too bright | R454 2.2ohm 1/2w fusible
Q205 BC237B Q413 2SC458C |
No hori sweep | Q403 2SD1094
Q404 2SD667 Q405 2SB856 L401 TCH-141 CCS #34-1029 C415 0.1uf 250v mylar |
Too wide | L401 TCH-141 CCS #34-1029
Q205 2SB856 C417 1uf 100v C414 9600pf 1600v D407 RGP15M |
8503 | Raster too bright | R425 |
Dead, blown fuse | Bridge diodes D801-4 | |
Dead, fuse OK | FBT TFB-6481/E
LV transformer TPW332D/A Bad solder on mainboard, esp. near vertical section. HOT shorted. |
Dim or no video | C422 100uf 25v
Q403, Q404 Q206 2SD1609C |
8512-72 | Dim | Replace flyback |
Too bright | R542 | |
Vert foldover | Check: C425 100uf 35v | |
HV dies, PS stays up. | Check: HOT Q502 2SC3026. It won't be shorted, but using an oscope you can see the signal die there at the base. If signal ok, check signal @ Q501.
R540 1 ohm 1w |
HV problems | Replace:
C534 220uf 16v C537 22uf 160v C545 22uf 250v All will be bad. Check: Also C852, C806, C816, C826 2.2uf or 3.3uf 400v on CRT PCB. |
Very noisy, unstable display | Replace C117 | |
PS squeals or shorted HOT | Check: C534 220uf 16v near HOT
Check: C852 2.2uf or 3.3uf 400v on CRT PCB. HOT 2SC4436 can be replaced with 2SC3688. |
PS squeals | Pull 84v harness from CRT PCB. If squeal stops, check for shorted color driver transistors 2SA1370 and 2SC3502.
May also have R805, R815, R825 56 ohms open. |
Very noisy, non-op. | Replace these caps in PS:
C18 47uf 50v C21 22uf 50v C22 1uf 50v C37 100uf 100v C38 10uf 160v |
HV, no display | G2 is normally about 400v. If the focus pot changes G2 significantly, replace FBT MSH1FCT31 | |
8513-23 | ALWAYS DO: | Replace C120 10uf 35v near LED.
Resolder color pots and CRT socket Resolder AC socket to mainboard Resolder FBT pins |
No HV | R254 10 ohm 1/2w burned up, near yoke connector. Bad solder FBT pin #1 (yoke/HOT) | |
Blinking LED | Check: diode CR105 1N4936 or QFR207 in PS, diodes CR212 FR154, CR219, CR220 near FB, C223 .0068 or .0072 (green PCB) or .0047 (yellow PCB) 1600v for odd value CR101 1N5397 or FR155 3A 600v under switcher heat sink. May have low junction. If C202 100uf 160v B+ filter, or C218 10uf 100v goes bad R203 120 ohm 1w will burn up. | |
Blown fuse | Bad posistor. Often rattles, with loose parts inside. C8ROH or MZ72-2-18.
Shorted PS switching transistor. Shorted bridge rectifier BR100. R211 2.26k ohm 1% R101 0.68 ohm 1w R103 0.22 ohm 1w R104 4.7k ohm 5w R105 470k ohm 2w |
No display when warm | Bad solder at CRT socket | |
Squirming at sides, squealing, HV shutdown | C120 10uf 35v near pilot LED
Z100 Linear regulator AN5900 |
Pincushion, internal hori and E/W adj pots don't work. | C225 22uf 50v | |
Red dim or absent | Bad solder on red cutoff pot. Very common problem. | |
Too bright | Bad solder at FBT pins | |
No colors? | QM70-2 CA3046 | |
Too wide | C223 .0068uf or .0072uf 1500v | |
8513-72 | ALWAYS DO: | Replace C313 3.3uf 160v off yoke connector vertical pin. |
Fuzzy | FB TFB-185A | |
No HV, PS ok | Q402 MC1391P | |
HV, no display | If no G2 voltage (pin "W" near right of FB), replace R447 (or R451) 3.3megohm 1/4w hidden under edge of FB near heat sink plate. | |
? | Bad solder at yoke connector | |
Whining, dead | C812 1uf 50v
C815 4.7uf 50v C826 47uf 50v, all in PS Q801 2SD1402 Q403 2SC3883 |
Whining or no vert sweep | If R320 2.2 ohm 1w (10 ohm 2w on some) is open, replace Q301 TDA1670A also.
D302 RPG15J |
Pincushion or distorted | R330 33k ohm | |
Jitters/shakes or retrace lines visible | C203, C204 47uf 50v | |
Width problem | D406
R305 380k ohm 1/4w R306 36k ohm 1/4w |
8514 | Dead | Q560 HOT 2SD1849
Q571 2SD1850 Q801 2SD1402 R811 100 ohm 1/2w R816 0.33 ohm 1w FBT TLF-85680B |
No vert sweep | Check PS secondary resistors. | |
Various | Bad solder everywhere in PS | |
PS problems | C825 47uf 16v
C810 22uf 35v C832 22uf 25v (or 100u 10v) C864 470uf 6.3v C865 10uf 50v C819? |
Streaking | Replace three surface mount caps on color dboard on left of mainboard. C301, C302, C303 10uf 50v. | |
8515 | Dead | FBT |
9517 | Normal voltages: | G2 = 620v
G1 = 95-130v |
33G4577 | Bright lines on sides of color bands. | Check: ZD181 on rear right of mainboard. |
39G2708 | Whines in VGA | R950 2.2 ohm 1/2w open in PS secondary |
59G7871 | No power | Check: C028 1uf 50v in PS under TDA heat sink. |
Width problems | Bad solder on Q602 2SB988 near FB. | |
Idek liyama |
MF-5117, MF-5217 | Noisy, no video | Replace C5B5 22uf 160v near rear center of mainboard. Remove transformer L5A4 and partially remove rear panel to gain access
to it. Noisy during powerup is normal. Check: also C5B4 2. 2uf 400v, near transistors heat sink: leakage will be high.
Check: D966 RM2 14 1000v 2.5a |
Display 3" wide | Bad C-E junction on Q5A2 2SC3995 near FB. | |
Impression |
See Helm | ||
Infinity |
IKI1428SV | Hori sync problems, delayed brightness on cold powerup. | Check: C123 100uf 16v in secondary of PS. |
VS-19 | Dead | Bad solder at FBT
C446 10uf 400v behind FBT |
Kimsync |
IV | Various | Bad solder at all blue mylar caps near FB, also bad solder @ FB pins. |
F15LS | Hori ripple | If B+ and base of HOT is clean, bad FBT |
CK-1405 | HV ok, no display | Bad solder on CRT PCB |
Loses hori sync | Bad solder at J117 where the swivel base hits it | |
1428 | No brightness control | Check: R316 |
CA1528D | Display goes white instantly | Replace R146 near FB |
Laser/MiniMicro |
MM-1468J | No vert sweep | D402
R408 C408 100uf 35v If above ok, replace IC402 TDA2653A |
6448/41 | Dead, no LED | Check IC901 STR58041 pins 2 and 4 for short.
Should be open. If shorted, replace Q901 2SC3203 also. Check R904 300k ohm, R911 and R912 (each 6 ohm) for open. |
6448/52 | Shuts down when warm, HV won't always start, won't do 800x600 mode. | Replace R321 3.3 ohm 1/2 watt (burned up one will be 1/4 watt). |
Flyback check note: | If a 154-166B comes out, replace it with a 154-195A if you order it from CCS. Dalbani's 166b works ok. | |
Leading Edge |
CMC-1412A | No power | Check: C021, C022 |
CMC-1500BA | Similar to AST 1414AE1 | |
CMON 1528V | Similar to AST 1414AE1 | |
Leading Tech |
400V | See Laser 6448/52 | |
430V | See Laser 6448/52 | |
450 | No display or very dim | Check: C925 470uf 100v |
Link |
WARNING! | CRTs do not self discharge! | |
125 | Various on video PCB | C410 4.7uf 50v NP
C406 4.7uf 50v C409 330uf 50v C408, C401, C411 470uf 35v C412 (non-finned sink ver., Rev B) 22uf 50v |
CRT Caps to replace: | C101 220uf 50v
C103 47uf 100v |
PS ills | C5 and C6 47uf 50v
R1 .75 ohm 1w open D10 Zener 3.6v shorts |
Vert compressed, wrapped and wavy | Bad yoke. Really. | |
Chirps w/good HOT | Check: C407 mylar 153K | |
MC6 | Similar to Wyse 150/160 | Flyback sync wire that is banded on end is SYNC2. |
DX1495 | HV shutdown immediately | C516 10uf 250v |
DX15F | LED flashes | Replace Q502, Q508, D509 |
DX1595 | Odd notched pincushion | IC101 TDA9103 (Phillipines) under CRT in front |
LX1564 | See Gateway CS1572 | |
MX15F | ? | Replace diode for 185v supply with MUR460. Old diode will fail if run for long @ 1280x1024 |
No HV | Check: all PS voltages, esp. 21v filter C330 1000uf 35v. Check: HOT and 10uf cap by xformer | |
Pincushion or too wide | C523 3.3uf 250v under aux board in middle of mainboard. | |
Blown fuse | Arcing between PS switching transistor's heat sink and the 5w resistor next to it, through burnt glue. Remove glue, replace fuse. | |
Ripple, noisy PS | R331 91k 2w in PS, changes value? | |
DX17F | No HV | Always:
L105 T*I-281-103-*0 should be 4.5 mHenry, 90 rings. Check for burned insulation. If HOT Q109 2SC4747 shorted, check or replace: C123 1uf 50v at coupling transformer. Q116 IRF740 or 2SK1378, tall heat sink at rear. Can replace with IRF840 or BUZ64. If shorted, R177 1 ohm 1w, off center leg of Q116 will be open. Q117 2SD799 for short. Less commonly: R181 120k ohm 2w, drifts high, near yoke connector. C164 220uf 16v at end of heat sink plate, C525 1uf 450v. R339 15k ohm C134 .0075J bad solder C137 .0068 bad solder C127 .39J 250v C124 .0056J 1600v C908 |
Hori control doesn't work | Check: C137 .0068uf 1000v | |
Insufficient width | Check: B+. Should be 63v +- 2v. Adjust via pots near rear of FB. | |
Won't sync. | Check: C126 .0027J | |
Dim or brightness varies. | Remove glue on disk cap/spark gap near G1 on CRT PCB. Also remove glue around red G1 wire and nearby resistor. | |
Dim, washed out | Check: IC401 LM1203BN Vcc pins 1and28. Should be 12v. If less than 10.5v, replace IC403 LM340T12 at CRT PCB lower left. | |
HV shutdown | HV too high. Mag recommends setting the shutdown level at 29.5KV and then easing the HV bacheck to about 27KV. There are two pots in the corner of the board (R105/107?) | |
HV Shutdown | Check: IC902 TL082CN located near FBT and HV pot. This IC combines the HV pot and DC feedbacheck line from the flyback and controls the 555 timer that controls the B+ FET. If pins 5, 6, and 7 all have near 12v, replace the IC. | |
Jittery | Replace just L105 | |
DX17S | HV Shutdown | See Mag DX17F note for HV shutdown and TL082. |
Dead or No HV | Q906 IRF740 B+ regulator
ZD901 12v 1/2w D903 15DF-4 D527 1N4148 (in base circuit of Q512) FBT TF2-6V5-001-LA (not TF2-6V0-011-LB) B+ at FBT = 47v @ 31.5khz |
DX1795 | No HV | IC701 TDA9103 per MAG
Check: J709 10 ohm 1/2w resistor off pin 18 of IC701 for open. |
Pincushion | Q516 per Mag | |
MX17F | No video, no PS LED | Check: -7v out of PS. If no voltage, check D311 and R362 0.22 ohm. |
Reduced width | Q907 IRF830 | |
MX17H | No HV, clicking | Check: Q503. If shorted, replace C503 1uf 50v and IC506 555 timer IC. |
MX17S | Smoke or ticking | VR501 hori centering pot
Q503 2SC4924 hori deflection Q505 IRF640 hori defl regulator C515 4.7uf 250v |
Pincushion | Q506 2SD799 | |
MX21F | No Hori sweep, vert line. | R535 10 ohm 1w
Q503 BU2525AF, sub BU2527AF C503 1uf 100v |
No HV | Q505 IRF640
Q503 BU2525AX Q506 2SD1088 R514 2.2 ohm 1w |
XJ700T (V7T001)
Dead, ticking | D310 or D311 HER30 in PS secondary |
Magitronic |
C-SV1428A | See Helm IM1428SV | |
Magnavox |
See Philips | ||
Maxtech |
XT-4800 | Dead or LED blinks | D124 31DQ06 in PS secondary. Schottky 90v 1a |
1406, 1406E | Dead, squeals, hisses | C135 (or C141), C142 (or C139) 470uf 16v in PS |
1406 only | Color missing | Much bad solder on CRT PCB |
Other models | See Edison | |
Micron |
15FGx | See ADI LM-1564 | |
M17FGx | See Mag DX17F (really) | |
Mitac/Magitronic |
AL4050PD | Dead | R940 470k ohm |
AM4020 | No power | Check: Q901 D907 C907, and fuse. |
A1775 | No power | Replace:
C108 100uf 25v C123 100uf 50v C135 47uf 25v C127 10uf 50v C119 1000uf 16v all in PS next to transformer. Bad solder at FB pins 12 and 13, at PS connector W104. |
No HV, no B+ | If resistor R113 1 ohm 1w under PS connector W104 is open, check Q420 BU2527AX. | |
L1564PDM | Jittery, static | C204 2200uf 16v in vert sweep circuit |
L1782 | Various | Q420 BU2525AX hori sweep driver
2SD1027 under CRT PCB, screwed to lower pan R498, may be 10 ohm 1w? Burned up, near L403. |
M1450PD | Chirps | Q501 BU2508DF HOT
C509 10uf 50v NP C508 100uf 16v |
No pincushion adjustment | C534? 1uf 50v
Q504 2SD1138 R560 and R561 500 ohm 1/4W |
Dim | Scope heater line. If square wave at input freq, replace C932 470u 16v | |
Entire picture shifts down 1/2" | Replace Q907 IFR640 (2SK2161?) with IFR830 or equivalent.
C918 47u 16v |
Vert control doesn't work | Q201 2SC945 TO-92 near TDA, right front.
R207 1k 1/4w |
Colors flickering/missing | Bad solder at unlabelled 6 wire connector from rear of mainboard to CRT PCB | |
M1448R | Hold down on power-up | Check: C108 ______ in PS and glue |
SV1428A | HV shuts down | Check: C424 near FB, Check: C430 |
No video or raster | Check: R437 | |
SV1448 | See Helm CM1448M | |
MM1495I | See Helm CM1448M | |
1564PDM | Pincushion | Check: C525 10uf 50v |
Mitsuba |
66267 | Chirping | HOT Q??? 2SC3883
C731 100uf 25v Bad solder at FBT and other locations |
Loses vert sync in some modes | Hsync is being bled to Vsync line to TDA1675 by U612 SN74LS86N at front of mainboard.
C706 1uf 50v in vert circuit. |
Mitsubishi |
HA3905 | HV shutdown | Q951 2SC3310 in PS
Bad solder IC951, IC952 in PS HOT 2SC4125 shorted |
FW6405ATK | Poor degaussing | Bad solder RP901 posistor |
? | Bad solder R907, R904, D912, FB pins 11 and 13 | |
HL6905 | Loss of sync, variable pincushion | Check C922 in PS 22uf 50v |
Dead, shorted C3688 and D921 on side heat sink. | Bad solder on connectors J602, J508, J601
Can be reached by removing lower pan. |
Various, whining PS, HV comes up then dies. | PS regulation. If you bench check the voltages with PS unloaded, the B+ and 185v will be high, but the 12v, 5v, and 24v should all be very close. If not, replace IC952 LM7805 (5v), IC 953 LM7824 (24v). Check: also all picofuses on PS.
The 24v circuit is picky; tolerance is about 23.7 to 24.2 ! B+ should be about 60-85v depending upon screen voltage setting, and should vary almost not at all when brightness and contrast pots are varied. |
Connector table: | C4123 goes to J601
C3688 goes to J508 PCB-Coil (Blue and Brown wires) goes to J515 2SD1138 goes to J514 |
Intermittent jittery | Check: plastic of yoke connector for heat damage. | |
HL6945 | PS dead | Replace IC991 STRS5841 9 leg.
Check: C941 2.2uf 450v |
SD5700C | Pincushion, hori wrap | Check: B+. Should be about 65v at 640x480
If more than 90v, run! Mitsubishi repaired one we sent them, and made a note that it was a bad EPROM somewhere. |
XC-1430C | No LED, squeals | Check: D952 for short.
Check: C556 10uf 100v near FB. check/replace three caps near PS osc. C908, C909, C913 |
? | Check: D904, D925 | |
Nanao |
Control panel Lock/Unlock:
F550i, F750i, Old T560i and T660i |
With picture displayed:
Leftmost button and Blue/Pincushion for 3 secs. |
Control panel Lock/Unlock:
New T560i and T660i, all 'F' series with "-w" |
Pincushion (below 'G') and brightness for 3 secs. | |
Control panel Lock/Unlock:
T2-xx and F2-xx |
Degauss while power-on | |
Flexscan 9070? | No HV | Replace STK78617 on side dboard |
Odd display symptoms, static | Replace all caps on side dboard | |
MA-1781 | PS cycles | D64 in PS |
0261 | See AST 500902-001/SVGA | |
XL (see also 5D) | Too bright, control doesn't work | Bad solder R969 on 2"x3" PCB at upper rear |
I (JC-1401) | HV OK, no heater voltage | Check: R780 4.7 ohm on video PCB. If open, replace IC702 STR2005. Check: TR782 D882. |
No HV, C1 = 12v | If C1 (B+) comes up to 120vdc with FB disconnected, replace FB 47105626 | |
Blown fuse, bridge OK | See the PS list for II (JC-1402) | |
II (JC-1402HMA) | Blown fuse, bridge OK | Check IC601 STK7406, IC602 STK7404; pins 15/16: should not be shorted.
R623 4.7k or 5.6k ohm R624 1 ohm R632 1.2k ohm R614 2.2k ohm R631 2.2k ohm Check: bad solder on PS sec. filter caps. Replace all small caps in primary: C620 22uf 100v C615 (JC-1401) 4.7uf 100v C615 (JC-1402) 2.2uf 50v C610 470uf 35v C616 470uf 35v C611 220uf 25v C617 220uf 25v C609 4.7uf 100v CP-E475100 PS Voltages: C1 = 84 C2 = 18 C3 = Gnd K1 = 85 K2 = 24 K3 = Gnd K4 = Gnd |
Dead | Check: transistor TR5C2 near rear for shorted outside pins. | |
No HV | If B+ (C1) is way low, like 20v, check for FB heating up. If so, replace FBT 47105637 | |
2A (JC-1403) | Fuzzy | CRT bad or FBT 47105647 |
Dim display, dark 1" wide vert bands | Replace these caps on CRT PCB near M51387P:
C701-3 47uf 25v C707-9 2.2uf 50v C734 22u 160v on opposite side |
Pincushion problem | Replace IC402, check C412 | |
Vert foldover | Check: bad solder CND6 | |
HV too high | Check: T501 for short | |
Brightness pot isn't linear (steps) | Replace Q704 2SA733 on CRT PCB | |
Various | Cracked PCB near FB | |
LED dim, no HV | Check: for about 16v on IC451 pins 9, 10, 14 on daughterboard. If not present, R6A1 2.2 ohm 1w under CRT near dual jumper wire connectors will be open, and vert processor uPC1498H will be shorted on pin 3. | |
Various | Bad solder where dboard on right mounts to mainboard on bottom. | |
Note: heater voltage is pulsed DC. No diode. | ||
3D (JC-1404HMA) | HOT 2SC3486 shorted or gets hot. | Replace also Q519 2SK758 |
Won't sync | Bad solder C501 under CRT, check nearby also. | |
Dead | R625 10 ohm 5w in PS open
C561 1000uf 35v |
No HV | Check: Q522 2SK752, sub 2SK758. HOT driver. | |
No HV | Check: IC401 HA11423 pin 15 for 9v output pulse. If at 10v steady, check Q2002 2SC1318 for 24v on C, 18v on E. If E is low, replace Q2002.
If 12v missing at TP550 at left rear, check R536 33 ohm 1/4w open, 1" left of vert proc heat sink. |
MacSync | Similar to ATandT CRT329D, NEC 2A | |
? (JC-1405HMA) | ||
? (JC-1431VMA) | Dark vert line on left, about 1" from edge | C825 2.2uf 160v filter for 150v line, near connector ?, connected to D808 |
3FGx (JC-1532VMA) | Screen brightness changes | Bad solder on flyback ground |
Shorted yoke driver | If yoke driver Q516 HPA72 is shorted, check Q525 2SK758, replace Q516 with HPA100 (10a 1500v). Mount by adding extension wires to clipped-off old transistor leads, bolt HPA100 to heat sink using existing hole at upper right. | |
3V (JC-1535VMA) | Colors drop off at different levels, ghosting to right. | Replace LM1203AN (Phillipines) with another sourced 1203. |
4D (JC-1601) | Shuts down or hori driver shorted. | Q560 2SC3688 Hori defl driver on FBT heat sink
Q544 2SK699 hori defl predriver Q5P0 2SK758 hori defl B+ reg. on sheetmetal heat sink in front. Q5T0 2SC3685 HOT on FBT heat sink Q5U2 2SK758 on sheetmetal heat sink in back. C541 100uf 35v next to Q544 This has proven to be a difficult model to repair. |
? | C613 47u 63v in PS
C629 47u 200v in PS |
4FG (JC-1531VMA) | Pincushion, variable brightness, or HV comes up only for a couple of seconds. | Caps on mainboard under PS leak on traces. Replace (all under PS):
C561 = 470uf 35v C556 = 470uf 35v C559 = 47uf 35v C557 = 1000uf 10v C562 = 220uf 16v C410 = 100uf 35v C407 = 2200uf 35v C401 = 220uf 16v C404 = 220uf 35v C503 = 100uf 35v (near h-yoke connector C555 = 100uf 35v Remove transistors and transformer as necessary to clean traces with Flux-off and hard eraser. One or more traces will often need to be bypassed with wire. Check: especially the trace under R556 and ZD554. |
Jittery vertical | Bad solder at IC401 LA7837 | |
HV Shutdown | C557 = 1000uf 10v | |
HV problems | Q505 HPA100 on side heat sink plate
Q510 IRF9610 (double check! or replace with IRF9620) C503 100uf 35v near h-yoke connector C404 220uf 35v near LA7837 vert processor |
No HV | Q554 B772 (green) shorted, located near C555 and vert processor. | |
Poor focus | Rejuv often improves focus dramatically. | |
Over bright or raster only | C793 = 470uf 16v
Located on L-shaped board next to CRT board. Leaks and eats traces. |
Variable brightness or goes dark | C792 100u 25v. Located under C793. May not show very high ESR, but replace it anyway. Check: for leakage on traces. | |
5D (JC-2002VMA) | Too bright, control doesn't work. | Bad solder R969 on 2"x3" PCB at upper rear |
No HV or HV shutdown | Cracked mainboard from FB to rear edge. | |
? | Q4TOB 2SK1271 shorted. | |
5FG (JC-1741VMA) and
6FG (JC-2141UMA) |
Dead | HOT shorted, holds down PS
Q5G6 2SK758 on mainboard Q581 2SC3998 on PCB above FBT with heat sink. |
Display is 3" high and centered, or pincushion, or vert not adjust high enough. | Problem is on dboard, 1.5"x7" on PS side of mainboard. For pincushion problems, try replacing:
IC5S2 = XRA10358/LA6358, 8 pin DIP IC5S3 = XRA10324/LA6324N/LM324, 14 pin DIP IC5S4 = XRA10324/LA6324N/LM324, 14 pin DIP For scrunched vertical, try replacing: IC5G1 = C3404C, 14 pin DIP Other parts on dboard: IC5S3 = XRA10324/LA6324N/LM324, 14 pin DIP IC5S5 = 4200D JRC 2022D, 8 pin DIP IC5G0 = XRA10393 or LA6393D, 8 pin DIP Q5S1 = 2SA933, Mini TO-90 Q5G1 = 2SA933, Mini TO-90 Q5G3 = 2SA933, Mini TO-90 Q5G2 = 2SC1740, Mini TO-90 Q5G0 = 2SC114, Mini TO-90 |
No HV | Check: Q503 2SK806 near small FB predriver. | |
HV shutdown or video fades like loose heater connection | Check: C8C3 330uf 16v on upper left of video process board, under top of digital board PWE-330. It leaks and etches a 12v line underneath. | |
PC-KD854N | Japanese model, requires special video card, apparently runs somewhere between 21-29khz. | |
XV14 (JC-1433VMA) | Width control inop, pincushion | D504 near FBT, replace with MUR4100 or equiv.
Note: shield around FBT is VERY sharp! |
Next |
? | PS crowbar (chirps) | C33 mylar 123J1600v
HOT BUW13A and PHBUV26A on large heat sink C68 C92 C60 |
Nokia |
447E058 | No Hori sweep | Probably C212 mylar? Near FB. No idea of the value. |
Optiquest |
1000 (CM1448M) | See Helm CM1448M | |
4000 | See Acer 7076I | |
For other models, see ADI | ||
Orchestra |
Trumpet-14 | Streaking | C623 1uf 250v
C629 1uf 250v C634 1uf 250v C624 1uf 250v C625 1uf 250v C626 1uf 250v |
Various | Bad solder on FB pins. | |
Packard Bell |
1020 | HV hits hard, then shuts down | C430 10uf 160v |
1020 (FCCID DK4M1448) | HV hits hard, then shuts down | B+ too high:
C334 100uf 200v near FBT |
(RC has no video cable; non-RC has captive video cable) |
Reduced display width, no pincushion or width adj. | Bad solder on Q405 TIP42C.
Check: R445: 85 ohms works, correct value unknown. Reflow yoke connector, Q714, Q715. |
Loses sync when changing resolutions | Replace I701 Z0861404PSC Zilog 40 pin | |
Spectra 305CD | Color problems | Replace LM1203 |
1401S/1402 | No HV | If no osc. at base of HOT, check Q910 A1273 near center of mainboard.
R612 1 ohm 1/2w near vert osc TDA4866 D403 zener 5v |
1411SL | PS cycling | Reflow P701 yoke connector. Check: secondary PS diodes D910, D911 RU3C 600v 1A. |
1412SL | No display, or color problems | Replace LM1203AN (Phillipines) with another sourced 1203. |
8524 | Various | Flybacks go bad (fuzzy after warm, draws too much current and gets hot). Replace only with TFB-200A, NOT 200C. |
8529 | Too bright, white screen | G2 at CRT about 600v?
R449 1.2 megohm is open. In front of FBT. It's the ground for the G2 divider pot. |
8537 | Dead, blown fuse | See note in Apple section about posistor DGC3RO8M |
8539 | Too bright, white screen | See fix for model 8529 |
8531V | Similar to Laser 1468 | |
8541VGG | See Laser MM-1468J | |
85117SVGM | See Viewsonic 7 | |
Panasonic |
C1381 | Dead, fuse ok | Q804 2SK1351 in PS |
C1491 | Dead, fuse ok | Bad solder R804 in PS |
Philips/Magnavox |
1557AS | Mild hori ripple | Check: Cap @ 2154 68uf 250v |
Various | Various | Check: for broken mainboard around flyback. Remove black PCB spacer. |
C4J420-0473 | HV shuts down | Replace C2614 1uf 250v |
CM9032 | No power | Check: R111 for open |
CM9089 | Loses sync | Replace IC7801 MC14538 dual multivibrator under bezel opposite of power switch. |
CSJ5209/743 | Raster, no video | Check: Q513 for short. Check: bad solder on 7108 5v regulator near AC plug., 7523 on HOT heat sink, F801 (wad of white wires) below black plastic board spacer. |
Chirps | If HOT BU2508a is shorted, see note under Apple 4222.
Check: 8512 BY329-1200 TO-92 style diode. May not be shorted, but will have low reverse bias. If diode is bad, check: 3119 1 ohm 1w 2119 100uf 63v both in PS sec near green ground wire. Note: if you disconnect FB pin #4/B+, cap 2517 10uf 16v will blow! |
Dead or chirps | Scope pin 3 of 7105 UC3842 (current sense). If pulsing above 1v, check harness F601 (wad of white wires) pin 1 (rearmost). Voltage drop should be charging". If it's about .6v, look for shorted transistors on CRT PCB, esp. 7722 BF422 and 7723 BF423. | |
Picture tall and narrow, B+ low | Bad 3119 1 ohm 1w and 2119 100uf 63v in PS sec. near grn gnd wire. | |
CM2015D1 | No HV | Check: bad solder on 7153 5v regulator near AC plug, 7916 regulator (?) near FB at bacheck of chassis. |
Chirps | Check: 6618 diode pacheck at FB heat sink. | |
Power II |
3E | See AOC CM-335 | |
4A | See AOC CM-336 | |
CM1414E | See Helm CM1448 | |
Princeton |
UltraSync Series | Signal cable pinout | DA15M --> DB25M
1 = 2 2 = 4 3 = 14 4 = nc 5 = nc 6 = 3 7 = 5 8 = 15 9 = nc 10 = 10 11 = 12 12 = nc 13 = 16 14 = 17 15 = nc |
Proton |
GM-1560 | Chirps | C805 150uf 400v main filter cap leaks badly |
PM-1448A | Dim | Heater voltage low
C820 220uf 16v in PS sec. |
Color missing | Burnt solder on CRT PCB | |
Qume |
QM890 (Mitsubishi HL6905 chassis) | Dead, PS cycling | Check: C330 220uf 35v in PS primary |
Radio Shack |
VGM-470 | See AST N461D | |
Proview |
PS-707 or
765 (FCCID: IJE765) |
See EMC SA-770 | |
Radius |
0356 | Too wide, dim | C420 22uf 250v |
? TPD | Sync problems | Check: R432 47k ohm, R423 |
No contrast or no video | Replace LM1201N on CRT PCB | |
No power | Check: Q405 C460 Q453 on HV PCB | |
THN9175SKTKW | No Green | IC331 LM2202 |
Relisys |
TE1438 | Raster ok, no display, no LED | Shorted IC602 L7812CV on mainboard, open R632 42 ohm that feeds it, shorted Q101, Q201, Q301 2SC1906 on CRT PCB. May also have shorted LM1203. |
TF-1560 | ? | C532 10uf 250v near FB |
Royal |
CN1775 | See Mitac A1775 | |
Sampo |
KDM2077 | Chirps | Check: Q714, C718 |
Samsung |
CSF7487 | The DB9 video connector requires special cable, not NEC or Sony pinout. | |
No HV | C449 100uf 35v | |
CQA4147 | HOT Q403 shorted | Q403 2SC5386
(CID?) B+ regulator IRF9610 |
CVM-4867T | Pincushion | C111 220uf 25v
C206 10uf 50v C207 .47uf 50v C208 4.7uf 50v C210 4.7uf 50v C211 10uf 50v C223 .047uf 50v mylar C224 .047uf 50v mylar C280 10uf 50v C311 100uf 25v IC202 LM358 |
CSJ4927A | Size controls don't work in 800x600 | Replace large dboard IC202 Part No. SSP02A |
CVM4967T | Pincushion | Replace IC201 SL405 28 pin IC under tube and C207 0.47uf next to it. Check bad solder on vert deflection IC. |
CVP4581 | Vertical sync problem | If output of TDA is two or more times input, R306 33k off TDA2653A pin 13 open. |
7571 | Shuts down immediately | Check: R654 in PS |
Shuts down after a few seconds. | Check: IC601 STK7408 pins 15 and 16 in PS.
If shorted, do NOT replace with STK7408T; it will NOT work. Also check R601 18 ohm 5w for open. |
Pincushion problem | Check: R326 | |
Blown fuse | Check: IC601 STK7408 pins 15/16 for short.
If shorted, Check: R601 15 ohm 5w near filter caps for open. |
Hori blanking problem, will shift with vert control | Replace Q504 2SC1008 and Q505 2SC2323 TO-92 on mainboard | |
L4571 mono VGA | No display, or no hori sweep | C517 330uf 50v |
SM483C | No HV, B+ ok | If PS voltages ok, replace IC203 GL1151 hori. oscillator |
Samtron |
SC-428PS | Narrow, width pot doesn't work | Bad solder Q406 KSE800 near FB |
Sceptre |
CM-6K | See Hyundai HCM-401 | |
E461D | Front panel: to locheck in settings, press and hold both hori width buttons for a couple of seconds.
See AST N461D |
EM-1417 | Various | Replace C615 near FB 2.2uf 35v. Almost always bad. Check: R616 330 ohm; usually burned up. |
Seiko |
CM-1440C | Signal cable goes on J001 | |
No HV | Bad solder on HOT and HOT driver transistor (and other places) | |
CM-1450C | Signal cable goes on J001 | |
Shuts off | Bad solder:
R906 18k 2w in PS Hori center pot Q670 2SD1658 near center of mainboard Q668 on heat sink near FB Q930 with clip-on heat sink next to TP10 at center rear of mainboard. Connectors J001, J002, J003 on rear PCB |
Dead | Q901 in PS on heat sink
R902 22 ohm 5w in PS open |
Sevenstar |
SM483C (Goldstar) | Various | Check: for cracked traces; common with this mainboard |
PMV14VC | See Gateway | |
Smile |
CB1716SL | Intermittent color | L404, L405, L406 1.1mh inductors get weird. All on CRT PCB |
Socos |
CM-1402 | No HV | Centering pot burnt
403 shorted Q405 C419 .56J mylar |
Sony |
CPD-200SX | Smoking, leaking | C907 330uf 400v PS filter |
CPD-1302 | Signal cable pinouts | DA15 VGA to DB15?
1 -> 5 2 -> 8 3 -> 1 4 -> 2 5 -> 3 6 -> 11 (or 10 and 11?) 7 -> NC 8 -> 13 9 -> 14 |
CPD-1304 | ? | Bad solder R217, right front. Can resolder without removing mainboard. |
CPD-15F13 | HV shuts down, shaky display | Bad solder @ HOT
Bad solder at dboard pins near front. |
Chirps | Check: Q503 IRF9630, Q507 C5149 | |
LED flashes once, No HV | Heat sink for IC502 hits CRT, cracks PCB | |
Dead | If PS sec voltages are present, check R612
If open, check Q529, D623, Q603-Q606, D622, D628 |
CPD-1604S | Dboard part No.: A1346069A (or 991099931) $172.33 Spring '96. | |
No power or squeals | Check: C911 10uf 63v in PS
Bad solder R409 between sweep driver and HOT. All below on dboard near FBT: C309 10uf 35v C310 47uf 16v C338 4.7uf 35v NP C332 470uf 16v Replacing these fixed one for the B+ crowbar squeal, even though their ESR measured OK. |
Jittery or vert problems | Bad solder at Q412 and IC201 vert processor | |
Pincushion/trap problem | All on dboard near FBT:
C334 4.7uf 50v C331 4.7uf 50v C330 10uf 35v C336 10 uf 35v C313 1uf 50v C349 10uf 35v C346 10uf 35v C328 10uf 35v If problems persist, TEA2031A |
CPD-1730 | No display, HV OK, or jittery, hori lines | Check: bad solder @ vert processor IC202 LA7838. Check solder on D202, Q201, Q202 also. Mainboard must be removed to access all of these. |
GDM 1936 | No HV | Q401 2SC4532 (sub 2SC5332)
PS101, PS401 1a pico fuse Q204 2SC3997 Q402 IRF9630 Q217 IRF9620 C405 ? |
GDM 1962 | Fuse blown | D201 in PS |
GDM 1962B | HV shutdown after a second | Check: for shorted Q315 Q307
Check: C330 pico fuse PF302 blown |
GDM 20E20 | HV shutdown, LED flashes orange | Q507 IRF9630
Q508 C3997 PS501 pico open Will run 640x480, sync on green |
GDM-2038 | Vert rolling | C207 1uf 50v on dboard near FB |
Display moves right when warm | C217 1uf 50v on dboard near FB.
If still moves left/right with heat, try replacing IC101 LA7856 |
Hori distortion halfway down | C240 1uf 50v on dboard near FB. | |
Standard Technologies |
ABO-428-SVGA | Shorted HOT 2SD2125 | Replace also C417, C418 100uf 25v |
Sun |
FC16AS | Filament ok, HV ok, no display | Replace C19 in vert circuit |
? | Check: bad solder @ FB | |
GDM 1962B | See Sony GDM 1962B | |
GDM 20E20 | See Sony | |
Supermatch |
7176N (Acer version) | See Acer 7176N | |
Supertron |
? | Screen flashes | Check: resistors 27k ohm, off pport/pot (?) connectors. |
Pincushion or width problems | Try replace TEA2031 8 pin IC | |
SV1482 | HOT shorted | Replace C318 |
PS dead, fuse blown | Q902 2SC3459 sub 2SC3460, switcher
Q901 2SD400 giant TO-92 switcher driver C908 10uf 50v C909 47uf 50v |
ST1496 | Loses sync when hot | Replace TDA9102 |
ST1497 | Shorted HOT | C219 mylar .006 1500v
C217 10uf 35v coupling cap Bad solder C214 mylar |
Tatung |
CM1380F | See IBM 7534 | |
CM1496 | See IBM 8513-72 | |
Taxan |
640/650x 17" | Blown fuse K40? near yoke | Flyback shorted. F31 0053 |
2SC3886 shorted | Replace also C202 10uf 250v
Remove glue off everything possible in area |
850 | Width trouble | Replace Q405 C413 D405 |
Techmedia |
TCM-1400G | Noisy or no display, HV shutdown | Check: C121 220uf 16v in PS. |
TCM-1448G | Noisy or no display, HV ok | Check: C121 220uf 16v in PS. |
Televideo |
955 | WARNING! | CRTs do not self discharge! |
Dead PS | Check: Q1 (MJE13007 or 2SC3039 or 2SC2898). If shorted, Check: D5 diode 1N4935 600 PRV 1A. If either is shorted, replace Q3 (2N2222A).
Check: R8, R9, R10 (1.2 ohm). Replace if open. Check: R3 (22k ohm, 3w) for open. Check: D1 1N4007 |
Low vid voltage (10v) and low logic voltage (14v) | Check: C16 680uf 16v
Replace Q2 (2N4124 or 2N2923 or 2SC1815) |
Component list | ZD1 = 1N752A 5.6v 1/2w
D12 = 1N4004 600v 1A (replace with 1N4007 1000v 2.5a) SCR1 = TYN058 or C122F or MCR218 SCR-50 VRM, 10A D5 = 1N4935 600 PRV 1A R8, R9, R10 = 1.2 ohm R13, R14 = 22 ohm |
No vert sweep | Check: R614 3.3 ohm 1w for open | |
After CRT replacement, raster is shifted to one side | Adjust one ring on yoke | |
Various display problems
(note: there are at least two variations of this PCB, and the component numbers/values are not the same) |
(Vertical focus pot version) Replace:
C305 = 220uf 25v C306 = 6.8uf 25v NP C509 = 47uf 25v |
Dim | (Hori focus pot version) Replace C305 220uf 25v | |
Trust |
CM2228NL | Dead | R804 27k open |
Touch |
CAC14MG | Display too wide | Replace C445 10uf 160v |
CAD14NF | Dead | Check: Q802 BUZ90A PS switcher
Check D808, D8605 600v 1A (replace with QFR207) C821 100uf 35v C813 100uf 100v All are on secondary of PS transformer. |
TD1428A | See AST 1414AE1 | |
Trion |
CSK5877A(NO) | Geometry problems | All geometry adjustments are accomplished via a programming port to the Toshiba TC89101P |
Uniron |
CM-1428A | Color problems | All caps on CRT PCB will be fried
C525 10uf 250v C517, C519, C522 4.7uf 250v C512 4.7uf 50v NP C513 10uf 50v C504, C505, C506 2.2uf 100v Check: driver transistors C3788 for short |
Viewsonic |
1/7031 | Dead | Replace C703 220uf 100v |
1782-2 17" | Blue weak or dead | IC1302 EY07P4C3 15 pin IC |
4e | Dead | Check: D304, D305 near FB for shorts. Will hold down PS. |
Pincushion or width problems | Replace IC304 LM339N and Q325 2SC2235 | |
5e | Pincushion or vert problem | Replace C213 2200uf 16v |
Pincushion or width problems | Replace IC304 LM339N and Q325 2SC2235 | |
Dim | Bad solder on PS connector in PS, PS transformer secondary, CRT socket. Good practice to reflow every time you have the opportunity. | |
Shorted HOT | Replace C336 0.22uf 50v coupling cap | |
6 | No vert (?) sweep | TDA shorts and burns out resistor.
Replace R863 1 ohm 1/2w in PS and TDA1675A |
6e/7034T | Not enough hori sweep, narrow | Replace Q208 2SD669A |
PS chirps | C609 100uf 50v in PS | |
6fs | No power or Pincushion | Check: Q132, D132 |
7x | ? | Check: (4) 4.7uf 400v caps on vert mount aux. board on left side. They blow out. |
Dead | Bad solder on On/Off switch. Test by bypassing switch at brown harness behind switch. | |
Dead | If no PS outputs and 170v on filter cap, replace IC881 STK750-010 | |
No Hori sync | Check: IC520 MM74HC221AN pin 7 for inverted spike, about 5v, that is the same freq. as input hori sync signal. If not present, replace IC520. | |
14ES (1448ES-1) | Dead | Bad solder L602 in PS primary. |
Dead | R603 33k open | |
17GS (1769GS-2) | Vert foldover/distortion | D401 1N4001 next to vert output IC |
21 (2182) | No vert sweep | Bad solder on yoke PCB and IC402 TDA LA7838, which is on CRT PCB. |
Shorted HOT Q550 2SC4288A | Check: D351 RP1hn on mainboard near FBT. | |
VTech |
N-1428 | Front panel: to locheck in settings, press and hold both hori width buttons for a couple of seconds. See AST N461D (similar but not identical). | |
Other models | See Laser | |
Wen |
JK1461 | Dead color | For Blue:
Q211 2SD756 Q212 2SB716 R232 10 ohm C240 1uf 160v For Red: Q207 2SD756 Q208 2SB716 R228 10 ohm C238 1uf 160v For Green: similar in circuit. |
Blue level drops off to right | D205 1N4148 | |
Cutoff pot doesn't work | For Red:
D220 1N4148 Other colors, similar in circuit. |
Win |
1433 | Brightness fluctuates, too wide | Replace C333 |
JK1461 | Color problem
(see also "Wen JK1461") |
Check: 10 ohm resistor, D756, D716 |
Wyse |
30 | Various problems | Always replace:
C110 10uf 100v (in PS) C205 6.8uf 50v NP C212 10uf 250v C209 220uf 63v ALWAYS! C208 470uf 50v C202 1uf 100v C211 47uf 100v C306 10uf 100v C309 100uf 25v |
50 | Various problems | Always replace:
C105, C202 10uf 50v C107 47uf 50v C109 1000uf 50v C110 330uf 63v C112, C203 220uf 63v C114, C117 100uf 50v C121 680uf 16v C214 100uf 25v sometimes axial, under FB C206 4.7uf 50v NP |
Notes | D102 is Schottky 60v 5a; forward bias measures .020 in circuit, .120v out of circuit normally.
If Q102 PS switcher (2SC2898, replace with 2SC3150 or 2SC2979) is shorted, replace Q101 2N2222A also. If you don't replace the optoisolator U103 4N35, use a variac to bring up supply AC while monitoring voltage at TP1 or cathode of D102. Should go up to no more than 8v, then regulate bacheck to about 5v. If it rises above 8v, check voltage at TP2. Should step to 23.5 quickly, and not change. If it drops off suddenly as you're bringing up the AC, replace the optoisolator. The optoisolator cannot be checked like a diode. Pin 10 on flyback is normally shorted to 1,4,5,7,8,9 TP1 = 5v, TP2 = 23.5v |
Display pulsates in an out | Replace U101 L200C WY-8043224 | |
23.5v pulled down, 5v ok | If 23.5v is OK with logic connector pulled, suspect flyback. No. 420007-01 or 80-004-08 | |
Hori squiggly, ripple or static | If all caps check ok, replace flyback | |
Display moves left/right with temperature change. | Replace C202 10uf 50v first. If persists, replace Q202 BU806 | |
60 | FBT is 420016-01B | |
PS won't fire up | Check: R101 330k ohm for open. Replace with 2W
Check: R118 3.9 ohm 1w near fuse. |
Blown fuse | Check: Q101 2SC2979. If shorted, ALWAYS replace Q102 2N2222 and IC101 4N35 optoisolator at the same time, NOT one at a time. Do NOT use Motorola 2222A metal cap transistors, as they will not handle the input voltage and will break down, causing the 5v to go to 8v or higher, zapping the logic board portion. | |
PS crowbar (squeal, no HV) | If HOT Q202 (2SC3591, 2SC2898, BU406) is OK (check out of circuit), C203 .015J 400v blue mylar is shorted, located next to HOT. | |
Raster, poor display, brightness won't turn down | Check: D105 for open. Replace with QFR107 | |
Hori wrap or dim or no display | D203 UF4007 or QFR207 or QFR307 | |
Vert compression/expansion | Replace:
IC301 TDA1175 C309, C311 100uf 50v C211 47uf 160v C306 22uf 50v |
Other trouble parts | C202 1uf 160v
C208 470uf 35v C209 220uf 50v C212 10uf 350v C205 3.3uf 50v NP R214 220k 1w |
Screen size changes with brightness control | If lots of vertical size change, suspect PS 12v+ changing to TDA. If 12v changes more than .1v with brightness change, replace IC101 4N35 and possibly IC102 TL431CLP. No fix for hori size change | |
PS 5v+ above 5.3v | Try replacing transistor IC102 TL431CL
See "Blown fuse" for note on 2222A. |
Screen shifted left, changes with heat. | Replace HOT Q202 with BU406 or 2SC3591 (but NOT 2SC2898?) | |
Some pixels missing in the same chars every time | Replace U16 AVASEM/9047 192017-02 | |
150 | Notes | Gray harness is brightness, two wires, goes to mainboard.
Brown harness is contrast, three wires, goes to CRT PCB. |
? | C315 4.7 uf 250v center of mainboard. | |
PS won't oscillate | Check: C107 mylar .22uf 100v | |
PS won't regulate | Q102 2SC1213, won't measure shorted but leaks enough to push the 5v way too high, like the Motorola 2N222 problem in model 60. | |
Hori. linearity problems, wrap | C209 22uf 50v
C201 100uf 50v Both near coupling transformer. If you've had the fixed hori width coil out, check polarity. If backwards, chars will be scrunched on the right side of the display. |
No keyboard I/O | Check: R23, R25, R27 47 ohm 1/4w near line drivers
Check: U10 MC1588 or SN75188: Pin 1 = -12v Pin 14 = +12v Pin 2 = Input 5v data pulses (when keyboard operated and you're not in the setup" screen) Pin 3 = Output +-12v pulses |
160 | On powerup, second beep is on continuously. | 5v too low. Check: 4N35 optoisolator. |
185 | Needs its own keyboard; 60 won't work. | |
325 | Squeals | FB shorts and case is frequently bulged. To remove mainboard, CRT must often be removed. HOT connector should have orange wire on top, gray on bottom. |
PM | Replace R526 0.47 ohm on CRT PCB with 1.5 ohm 2w, per Wyse FEB 460. | |
350 | Top line of characters are cut off | Replace C212 4.7uf 160v |
530 PC mono | Will not have HV without a signal present (no hori oscillator). | |
655 and 738 | See Amdek |