Int 0D

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Desc: The CPU generates this interrupt when it detects a protection violation which does not fit under any other category having a separate interrupt

Notes: Called in real mode when an instruction accesses a memory operand extending beyond offset FFFFh (i.e. WORD at FFFFh or DWORD at FFFDh or higher) in segment CS, DS, ES, FG, or GS a PUSH MEM or POP MEM instruction contains an invalid bit encoding in the second byte an instruction exceeds the maximum length allowed (10 bytes for 80286, 15 bytes for 80386/80486) an instruction wraps from offset FFFFh to offset 0000h. Called in protected mode on protection violations not covered by INT 06 through INT 0C, including segment limit violations write to read-only segments accesses using null DS or ES selectors accesses to segments with privilege greater than CPL wrong descriptor type. Called on 80486 protected-mode floating-point protection fault

See Also: INT 09"80486" - INT 0C"STACK"

Category: CPU-Generated - Int 0Dh - C


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