Int 13/AH=EFh

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Ontrack Drive Rocket - SET CYLINDER OFFSET

AH = EFh
CX = cylinder offset for next INT 13 call
DL = drive number (80h, 81h)

CF clear AH = 00h

Program: Drive Rocket is a drive accelerator by Ontrack Computer Systems for IDE drives supporting the read multiple and write multiple commands

Desc: The following INT 13 call will add the number given by this call to the specified cylinder to get the actual cylinder number, then reset the offset to zero

Note: This function is also supported by the NOW! disk cache, and presumably newer versions of SWBIOS and Disk Manager. For software which supports this call, AH=EEh is equivalent to calling this function with CX=0400h. The cylinder offset is reset to 0 by all INT 13 called except AH=EEh and AH=EFh

See Also: AX=7B00h

Category: Caches/Spoolers - Int 13h - O


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