Int 15/AH=15h

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AH = 15h

BX:AX -> system block (see #00457)

See Also: AH=13h"MultiDOS"

Format of MultiDOS Plus 4.0 system block: Offset Size Description (Table 00457) 00h WORD segment of system control block 02h WORD redirection flag set by /NOREDIRECT 04h WORD no-INT 10 flag set by /NO10 06h DWORD old INT 10 0Ah DWORD new INT 10 0Eh DWORD pointer to WORD with current TCB offset (see #00456) 12h DWORD pointer to WORD with idle task TCB offset 16h DWORD pointer to WORD with foreground TCB offset (see #00456) 1Ah DWORD pointer to WORD with MultiDOS TCB offset (see #00456) 1Eh WORD Task Control Block size 20h WORD number of TCBs

22h WORD flag:
EMS present 24h WORD EMS page frame base segment 26h WORD 16K pages in EMS page frame 28h WORD base segment for conventional memory tasks 2Ah WORD conventional memory size in paragraphs 2Ch DWORD pointer to list of queue pointers

Category: DOS-Based Task Switchers/Multitaskers - Int 15h - M


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