Int 20/Vx=0498h

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Microsoft Windows - Splitter - VxD SERVICES

VxD = 0498h

Note: The desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier (see #02642)

See Also: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API" - INT 30"Windows" - #01265 - #01340

(Table 01329) Values for Splitter (VxD ID 0498h) service number: 00h get Splitter version.

CF clear EAX = version (00000001h) 01h ??? 02h ??? 03h hook/unhook VMM "hook device service" service. EAX = request (0 = unhook, nonzero = hook).

If EAX nonzero on entry, Splitter's service 04h replaces VMM service 0090h; otherwise, default handler is restored 04h Splitter "hook device service" handler

See Also: #01328 - #01330

Category: Windows - Int 20h - M


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