Int 61/AH=1Dh

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PC/TCP kernel v2.05+ - net_readfrom - READ A DATAGRAM

AH = 1Dh
BX = network descriptor
CX = maximum number of bytes to read
DX = receive options (see #03464)
DS:SI -> buffer for received data
ES:DI -> 9-byte buffer containing "addr" structure (see #03462)

CF clear if successful AX = number of bytes read DX = ??? CF set on error AX = error code (see #03319 at INT 61"FTP Software")

Notes: This function can read from any host or a designated host depending on settings in the "addr" structure. Only for use with datagram or Raw descriptors

See Also: INT 61"FTP Software" - INT 61/AH=00h"PC/TCP" - INT 61/AH=1Bh

Category: Network - Int 61h - P


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