
RAYXTFDC.EXE is a DOS program that can be used in support of cards that host Sergey's Multi-Floppy BIOS.
Following are some known cards:
ISA Floppy Disk and Serial Controller
Monster FDC
Quad-Flop Four Port ISA Floppy Controller

Presently, RAYXTFDC does the following:
  Looks for Sergey's Multi-Floppy BIOS in memory space.
  Identifies the motherboard class (PC/XT/AT).
  Attempts to identify the motherboard BIOS.
  Looks for and reports on certain problems.

An example screen output is shown at here.   (One where the Multi-Floppy BIOS was found, and no problems reported.)

Problems reported on

Warn-then-exit if the motherboard BIOS (if identified) is known not to support BIOS expansion ROM's.   (Usually, 1981 and 1982 dated motherboard BIOS'.)
Warn-then-exit if unable to find the the Multi-Floppy BIOS in memory space.
Warn-then-exit if the Multi-Floppy BIOS is found at multiple locations in memory space.
Warn-then-exit if the Multi-Floppy BIOS is found in segment 'A' or segment 'B'.
  (Segments A and B are reserved for video RAM.  Any BIOS expansion ROM code [e.g. XUB] placed there will not be found by the motherboard BIOS.)
Warn-then-exit if the Multi-Floppy BIOS is found in segment 'F'.
  (Segment F is for motherboard BIOS ROM's.  Note that on an IBM 5150, address space F0000-F3FFF is used by the motherboard - see here.)
Warn (but do not exit) if the Multi-Floppy BIOS is found in conventional memory.
  (No exit is done because perhaps the BIOS was placed there via 'optromloader' software.)
Warn-then-exit if the Multi-Floppy BIOS is at an address that is not a multiple of 2 KB, e.g. D0400.
  (The motherboard BIOS searches for BIOS expansion ROM code in increments of 2 KB.)
Warn (but do not exit) if the Multi-Floppy BIOS is at an address that is not a multiple of 8 KB.
  (That is unusual because the ROM address switches/jumpers on XT-FDC cards set an address that is a multiple of 8 KB, however, maybe the BIOS is somewhere other than on the XT-FDC card.)
Warn-then-exit if the declared size (third byte of BIOS expansion ROM) is zero.
Warn-then-exit if the declared size (third byte of BIOS expansion ROM) is not a multiple of 2 KB.
Warn-then-exit if the declared size (third byte of BIOS expansion ROM) is less than 4 KB.
Warn-then-exit if the declared size (third byte of BIOS expansion ROM) is greater than 32 KB.
Warn-then-exit if the 8-bit checksum of the declared size is not 00.
Warn-then-exit if the string "Multi-Floppy BIOS, Version " is seen at an expected offset/area of a segment under examination, but the first two bytes of the segment are not AAh and 55h.  (Indicating a particular case of corrupted ROM contents.)
Warn-then-exit if in a BIOS expansion ROM, "Multi-Floppy" is seen at an expected offset/area, but straight after that is not " BIOS, Version ".  (Indicating a particular case of corrupted ROM contents.)
If IBM 5170 motherboard detected (via BIOS), and the Multi-Floppy BIOS is found at E0000 (i.e. in sockets U17/U37 of IBM 5170 motherboard), warn-then-exit if the 8-bit checksum of segment 'E' is not 00.


It cannot detect if the Multi-Floppy BIOS is misconfigured for your particular situation.
It does not look for the floppy interface (the I/O ports) part of the XT-FDC card.
It cannot identify a resource conflict.
For example, in the IBM 5170, segment 'E' (E0000 to EFFFF) is decoded by the motherboard for motherboard hosted ROM, and therfore, configuring the XT-FDC card to a start its ROM at address E0000 (or above) would be a conflict (in this case, resulting in bus contention on the data bus).

Optional copy of RAYXTFDC screen output to a text file

Here, RAYXTFDC's output will be copied to a text file.  That can be useful for providing information to others.  The file created is named RAYXTFDC.TXT

To do this, use the FILE switch as follows.

A:>rayxtfdc /file


Click here.

Yet to do

• Identify more motherboard BIOS'