Int 03/AX=0913h

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AX = 0913h
SI = magic value 4647h ('FG')
DI = magic value 4A4Dh ('JM')
DS:DX -> breakpoint structure (see #00003)

AX = status 00h successful BX = breakpoint number 03h breakpoint table full 06h memory limit error 07h I/O limit error 09h range limit error 16h duplicate breakpoint

See Also: AX=0911h - AX=0912h - AX=0914h

Format of Soft-ICE breakpoint structure: Offset Size Description (Table 00003) 00h BYTE breakpoint type (see #00004) 01h DWORD breakpoint address 1 (lower range limit for memory BPs, interrupt number for interrupt BPs, address of BP for execution BPs, I/O address (only word) for I/O BPs) 05h DWORD breakpoint address 2 (upper range limit for memory BPs, optional value to check for for interrupt BPs, overlay number (0 = root) for execution BPs) 09h DWORD breakpoint address 3 0Dh BYTE breakpoint mode 1 (see #00005) (for interrupt BPs = register to check 00h no value checking 01h check AL 02h check AH 03h check AX) 0Eh BYTE breakpoint mode 2 (see #00005) 0Fh BYTE breakpoint size (00h byte, 01h word, 03h dword) 10h BYTE breakpoint pass count before program stop 11h BYTE breakpoint state

Note: All unused fields should contain zeros

(Table 00004) Values for Soft-ICE breakpoint type: 00h memory location 01h memory range 03h I/O 04h interrupt 05h execution break

(Table 00005) Values for Soft-ICE breakpoint mode: 01h read 02h write 04h execution

Category: Debuggers/Debugging Tools - Int 03h - S


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