Int 10/AH=F0h

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EGA Register Interface Library - READ ONE REGISTER

AH = F0h
BL = register number
BH = 00h
DX = group index (see #00223)

BL = data

Note: The RIL is provided by EGA.SYS, the Microsoft Mouse driver, the OS/2 compatibility box, and others; it is used for software virtualization of write-only registers on an EGA video adapter, so that multiple programs may peacefully coexist without clobbering each other's display settings

See Also: AH=F1h"EGA" - AH=F2h"EGA" - AH=FAh"EGA" - INT 2F/AX=BC00h

(Table 00223) Values for group index: Pointer/data chips 00h CRT Controller (25 reg) 3B4h mono modes, 3D4h color modes 08h Sequencer (5 registers) 3C4h 10h Graphics Controller (9 registers) 3CEh 18h Attribute Controller (20 registers) 3C0h Single registers 20h Miscellaneous Output register 3C2h 28h Feature Control register (3BAh mono modes, 3DAh color modes) 30h Graphics 1 Position register 3CCh 38h Graphics 2 Position register 3CAh

Category: Video - Int 10h - E


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