Int 13/AH=59h

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SyQuest - Generic SCSI pass through

AH = 59h
CX = HOST_ID, 0-based
DX = 80h
ES:BX pointer to SCSI structure (see #00286)

CF clear AH = 95h

See Also: AH=12h"SyQuest" - AH=13h"SyQuest" - AH=1Fh"SyQuest"

Format of SyQuest SCSI structure: Offset Size Description (Table 00286) 00h WORD opcode (see #00287) 02h BYTE target's SCSI ID 03h BYTE target's logical unit number 04h BYTE data direction (00h no data xfer, 01h data in, FFh data out) 05h BYTE host status 00h successful 01h selection time out 02h data over-run or under-run 06h BYTE target status at command completion 00h successful 02h check status 08h busy 07h BYTE command data block length 08h DWORD request data length 0Ch DWORD result data length (actual length of data transferred) 10h DWORD -> CDB (see #03236,#03237,#03238) 14h DWORD -> data buffer

Note: The handler does not perform a 'Request Sense' command if there was an error

(Table 00287) Values for SCSI opcode: 00h verify interface. Clears carry flag and returns if function is available 01h returns the ID of the INT 13h Handler in a NULL terminated string of. Length less than 40 byte including the terminator.. The string is stored in the buffer pointed by p_buf. 02h device mapping info. The caller provides a one byte buffer.. The handler stores the Int 13h Device ID (80h or above) in the buffer.. It stores 0 if that target does not exists. 03h execute SCSI command 04h device reset 05h SCSI bus reset

See Also: #00286

Category: Disk I/O Enhancements - Int 13h - S


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