Int 15/AH=05h

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AH = 05h
ES:DI -> results buffer of length 18h * Number_of_Entries (see #00411)
DS = segment containing ABIOS RAM extensions (zero if none)

CF clear if successful AH = 00h success ES:DI buffer filled AL destroyed CF set on failure AX destroyed AH = 80h/86h if not supported

See Also: AH=04h"ABIOS" - AH=C1h

Format of one entry of ABIOS Initialization Table: Offset Size Description (Table 00411) 00h WORD device ID (see #00412) 02h WORD number of Logical IDs 04h WORD Device Block length (zero for ABIOS patch or extension) 06h DWORD -> init routine for Device Block and Function Transfer Table 0Ah WORD request block length 0Ch WORD Function Transfer Table length (zero for a patch) 0Eh WORD Data Pointers length (in Common Data Area) 10h BYTE secondary device ID (hardware level this ABIOS ver supports) 11h BYTE revision (device driver revision level this ABIOS supports) 12h 6 BYTEs reserved

(Table 00412) Values for ABIOS device ID: 00h ABIOS internal calls 01h floppy disk 02h hard disk 03h video 04h keyboard 05h parallel port 06h serial port 07h system timer 08h real-time clock 09h system services 0Ah NMI 0Bh mouse 0Eh CMOS RAM 0Fh DMA 10h Programmable Option Select (POS) 16h keyboard password

Category: Bios - Int 15h - S


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