Int 15/AX=D101h

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AX = D101h
BX = number of requested entry (starting with 1)
DX = 0000h (reserved, must be set to 0)
ES:DI -> buffer to contain DDT entry (see #00535)

AH = return code (see #00534) CF set on error CF clear on success ES:DI buffer filled with DDT entry

See Also: AH=C0h - AH=C7h - AH=C9h - AX=D100h -

Format of Device Descriptor Table (DDT): Offset Size Description (Table 00535)

00h BYTE bits 7-4:
Reserved (set to 0)

bits 3-0:
Slot of device (0 = system board)

01h BYTE bits 7-4:
Second interrupt for this device (0 = none)

bits 3-0:
First interrupt for this device (0 = none)

02h BYTE bits 7-4:
Second arbitration level for this device

bits 3-0:
First arbitration level for this device 03h WORD DDT indicators (see #00536) 05h BYTE reserved (0) 06h WORD device ID (0 = none) 08h WORD starting address of first I/O block (0 = none) 0Ah WORD starting address of second I/O block (0 = none) OCh WORD starting address of third I/O block (0 = none) OEh DWORD start of first non-system memory block (0 = none) 12h WORD size of first non-system memory block (in kilobytes) 14h DWORD start of second non-system memory block (0 = none) 18h WORD size of second non-system memory block (in kilobytes) 1Ah BYTE implementation identifier of the device 1Bh BYTE implementation revision level of the device

Note: I/O block addresses and non-system memory addresses are listed in ascending order in each DDT entry.

Bitfields for DDT indicators: Bit(s) Description (Table 00536) 15 reserved (0) 14 second arbitration level exists 13 first arbitration level exists 12 serial interface is RS-422 11 not address limited 10 DMA channel used 9 second arbitration level can be shared 8 first arbitration level can be shared 7-0 reserved (0)

Category: Bios - Int 15h - L


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