Int 1A/AH=9Dh

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PCMCIA Socket Services v2.1??? - GET VENDOR INFO

AH = 9Dh
AL = adapter number
BH = EDC generator
ES:EDI -> vendor information structure (see #00691)

CF clear if successful AH destroyed DX = vendor release number in BCD ES:EDI unchanged CF set on error AH = error code (01h,15h) (see #00656)

Notes: This API is supported by recent versions of the AMI BIOS. The low-level API described here is hidden by the higher-level ExCA API once Card Services has been installed

See Also: AH=9Dh"ExCA"

Format of Vendor Information structure: Offset Size Description (Table 00691) 00h WORD buffer length (set to size of buffer below) 04h WORD (ret) data length 08h x BYTEs implementor name (ASCIIZ string)

Category: Expansion Bus Bios - Int 1Ah - P


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