Int 1A/AH=ADh

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Disk Spool II v1.83 - FUNCTION CALLS

AH = ADh
AL = function code (see #00697)

AH = 00h if successful

See Also: AH=ABh

(Table 00697) Values for Disk Spool function code: 02h enable spooler only 03h enable the despooler 04h disable the despooler 08h inhibit popup menu 09h enable popup menu 0Ah ??? 0Bh disable the spooler 0Ch start despooler after last successfully printed document??? 0Dh start despooler at the exact point where it last left off??? 0Eh pop up the menu 0Fh ??? 11h ??? 14h ??? 15h ??? 16h ??? 17h ??? 18h ??? 19h ??? 20h clear file pointed to by the despooler??? 21h ??? 22h ??? 23h ??? 30h ???

Category: Caches/Spoolers - Int 1Ah - D


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