Int 21/AX=252Bh/BH=0Bh

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Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender v4.1+ - MAP DATA FILE AT FILE OFFSET

AX = 252Bh
BH = 0Bh
BL = subfunction
00h by linear address
ECX = linear address at which to map data file
01h by logical address
ES:ECX = logical address at which to map data file
EDX = number of bytes to map
DS:ESI -> mapping structure (see #01373)
DS:EDI -> ASCIZ filename

CF clear if successful CF set on error EAX = error code 0002h file error ECX = phase (01h opening file, 02h seeking, 03h reading) EDX = error code returned by DOS 0009h invalid address 0081h invalid parameters or 386|VMM not present 0086h all 386|VMM file handles already in use

See Also: AX=252Bh/BH=03h - AX=252Bh/BH=09h

Format of Phar Lap mapping structure: Offset Size Description (Table 01373) 00h DWORD starting file offset to be mapped 04h DWORD DOS file access and sharing modes (see #01403 at INT 21/AH=3Dh)

Category: DOS Extenders - Int 21h - P


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