Int 21/AX=252Eh

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Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender VMM v2.3+ - GET/SET VMM PARAMETERS

AX = 252Eh
CL = direction (00h get parameters, 01h set parameters)
DS:EBX -> parameter buffer (see #01374)

CF clear if successful CF set on error EAX = error code (81h bad parameter value)

Format of Phar Lap VMM parameter buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01374) 00h DWORD flags

bit 0:
Page fault logging enabled ---v5.0+ ---

bit 1:
Swap extender to disk during DOS EXEC call

bit 2:
Don't zero allocated memory 04h DWORD scan period for page aging, in milliseconds 08h DWORD maximum size (in bytes) to check on each page scan 0Ch 52 BYTEs unused

Category: DOS Extenders - Int 21h - P


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