Int 21/AX=5F87h

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LANtastic v3+ - GET ACCOUNT

AX = 5F87h
DS:SI -> 128-byte buffer for account information (see #01728)
ES:DI -> ASCIZ machine name in form "\\machine"

CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code BX destroyed

Note: Must be logged into the specified machine

Format of LANtastic user account structure: Offset Size Description (Table 01728) 00h 16 BYTEs blank-padded username (zero-padded for v4.x) 10h 16 BYTEs reserved (00h) 20h 32 BYTEs user description 40h BYTE privilege bits (see #01729) 41h BYTE maximum concurrent users 42h 42 BYTEs bit map for disallowed half hours, beginning on Sunday (bit set if half-hour not an allowed time) 6Ch WORD internal (0002h) 6Eh 2 WORDs last login time 72h 2 WORDs account expiration date (MS-DOS-format year/month:day) 76h 2 WORDs password expiration date (0 = none) 7Ah BYTE number of days to extend password after change (1-31) 00h if no extension required ---v3.x--- 7Bh 5 BYTEs reserved ---v4.x--- 7Bh BYTE storage for first letter of user name when deleted (first character is changed to 00h when deleting account) 7Ch BYTE extended privileges 7Dh 3 BYTEs reserved

Bitfields for LANtastic privilege bits: Bit(s) Description (Table 01729) 7 bypass access control lists 6 bypass queue protection 5 treat as local process 4 bypass mail protection 3 allow audit entry creation 2 system manager 0 user cannot change password

Category: Network - Int 21h - L


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