Int 21/AH=E3h/SF=11h

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AH = E3h subfn 11h
DS:SI -> request buffer (see #01907)
ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #01908)

AL = status 00h successful

Desc: Determine the version of software installed on the file server and how it is configured

Note: This function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+

See Also: AH=E3h/SF=0Eh - AH=E3h/SF=12h - AH=E3h/SF=CDh -

See Also: AH=E7h"Novell" - AX=F217h/SF=11h

Format of NetWare "Get File Server Information" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01907) 00h WORD 0001h (length of following data) 02h BYTE 11h (subfunction "Get File Server Information")

See Also: #01908 - #02166 at AX=F217h/SF=11h

Format of NetWare "Get File Server Information" reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01908) 00h WORD (call) 0080h (size of following results buffer) 02h 48 BYTEs server's name 32h BYTE NetWare version 33h BYTE NetWare subversion (0-99) 34h WORD (big-endian) number of connections supported NetWare 4.01 reportedly returns maximum simulataneously-used connections 36h WORD (big-endian) number of connections in use 38h WORD (big-endian) maximum connected volumes ---Advanced NetWare 2.1+ --- 3Ah BYTE operating system revision number 3Bh BYTE fault tolerance (SFT) level 3Ch BYTE TTS level 3Dh WORD (big-endian) maximum simultaneously-used connections NetWare 4.01 reportedly returns number of connections in use 3Fh BYTE accounting version 40h BYTE VAP version 41h BYTE queueing version 42h BYTE print server version 43h BYTE virtual console version 44h BYTE security restrictions level 45h BYTE internetwork bridge version 46h 60 BYTEs reserved

See Also: #01907 - #02166

Category: Netware - Int 21h - N


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