Int 21/AX=F217h/SF=3Ch

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Novell NetWare - SCAN PROPERTY

AX = F217h subfn 3Ch
CX = length of request packet in bytes
DX = length of reply buffer in bytes
DS:SI -> request packet (see #01939 at AH=E3h/SF=3Ch)
ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #02187)

AX = status (see #02860 at INT 2F/AX=7A20h/BX=0000h)

See Also: AH=F2h"Novell" - AH=E3h/SF=3Ch - AX=F217h/SF=39h - AX=F217h/SF=3Dh

Format of NetWare "Scan Property" reply packet: Offset Size Description (Table 02187) 00h

See Also: #01939

Category: Netware - Int 21h - N


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