Int 2F/AX=160Bh

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MS Windows 3.1 - IDENTIFY TSRs

AX = 160Bh
ES:DI = 0000h:0000h

ES:DI -> TSR information structure (see #02638)

Desc: This call allows Windows-aware TSRs to make themselves known to Windows.

Note: The TSR should first chain to the previous INT 2F handler, then allocate a communication structure, place the returned ES:DI pointer in the first field, and return a pointer to the new structure

See Also: AX=1605h - AX=160Ch - AX=4B01h - AX=4B05h

Format of TSR-to-Windows information structure: Offset Size Description (Table 02638) 00h DWORD pointer to next structure 04h WORD PSP segment 06h WORD API version ID (0100h) 08h WORD EXEC flags (how to load command specified by "exec_cmd")

bit 0:

bit 1:

bit 2:
"OPENDRIVER" 0Ah WORD "exec_cmd_show" (see #02639) 0Ch DWORD "exec_cmd" pointer to command line to be executed 10h 4 BYTEs reserved (0) 14h DWORD pointer to TSR ID block (see #02640) 18h DWORD pointer to TSR data block or 0000h:0000h

(Table 02639) Values for TSR information structure "exec_cmd_show": 00h HIDE 01h SHOWNORMAL 02h SHOWMINIMIZED 03h SHOWMAXIMIZED 04h SHOWNOACTIVE 05h SHOW 06h MINIMIZE 07h SHOWMINNOACTIVE 08h SHOWNA 09h RESTORE

Note: This value is passed as the second parameter to the WinExec(), LoadLibrary(), or OpenDriver() call used to execute a requested command line

See Also: #02638

Format of Norton Utilities 6.0 TSR ID block: Offset Size Description (Table 02640) 00h WORD length of name string 02h N BYTEs name of TSR's executable

See Also: #02638

Category: Windows - Int 2Fh - M


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