Int 32/AH=6Eh

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AH = 6Eh (function ID)
AL = subfunction (see INT 32/AX=6E00h)

CF set on error AL = error code (see #03166) CF clear if successful

Notes: INT 32 is only a proposed interface for NOISE.SYS. Use the IOCTL READ from the RANDOM device to determine the interrupt and function ID used by the driver, since future versions may use the Alternate Multiplex Interrupt (AMIS) at INT 2Dh.. The beta v0.51 had a substantially different API on INT 32/AH=6Eh

(Table 03166) Values for NOISE.SYS error codes: 00h subfunction not supported FBh random pool is empty FCh quality of sample is too low FDh too many processes using the API or driver FEh subfunction is disabled in the current build FFh successful

Category: Security - Int 32h - N


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