Int 61/AH=00h

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AH = 00h
AL = service ID (1..16)
other registers vary by service

AX = status (see #03325)

Desc: Calls an adapter driver or redirector service. The service handler pointers are stored at offset 0010h in the code segment of the BANV interrupt handler (see #03323).

Note: Banyan can use any interrupt from 60h through 66h. The Banyan interrupt handler is identified by the string "BANV" in the four bytes immediately preceding the interrupt handler

See Also: AH=01h - AH=03h

Format of the BANV code segment (revision 5.53): Offset Size Description (Table 03323) 00h 16 BYTEs reserved 10h 16 DWORDs far pointers to the service handlers (0 = not installed) 50h DWORD far pointer to last called service 54h WORD VINES revision 56h DWORD VINES revision long 5Ah WORD VINES revision (lower bound) 5Ch DWORD VINES revision (lower bound) long 60h WORD VINES revision (upper bound) 62h DWORD VINES revision (upper bound) long 66h WORD end of PCCONFIG area 68h WORD start of PCCONFIG area 6Ah 4 BYTEs BANV interrupt identifier ("BANV") 6Eh N BYTEs BANV interrupt service

See Also: #03324

Category: Network - Int 61h - B


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