Int 61/AX=0004h/SF=0007h

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AX = 0004h subfn 0007h
DS:DX -> request block (see #03408)

AX = status (see also #03400) 0000h pointer returned in request block 0033h invalid request ID

Desc: Returns pointers to various internal data structures

Format of VINES Function 0004h/Subfunction 0007h request block: Offset Size Description (Table 03408) 00h WORD 0007h 02h BYTE request ID (0..7) (see #03409) 03h WORD buffer for pointer segment 05h WORD buffer for pointer offset

See Also: #03410 - #03411

(Table 03409) Values for VINES pointer ID: 00h job file table ??? 01h drive handle table 02h drive connection table 03h IPC port of drive Z: 04h end of drive connection table 05h ??? 06h ??? 07h redirector data segment (offset=0)

See Also: #03408

Format of VINES drive handle table: Offset Size Description (Table 03410) 00h BYTE handle to default drive (0 = not connected)

01h BYTE handle to drive A:
(0 = not connected). ...

1Ah BYTE handle to drive Z:
(0 = not connected)

See Also: #03411

Format of VINES drive connection table: Offset Size Description (Table 03411) 00h WORD file service type (?) (0001h if drive Z:, 0000h else) 02h 16 BYTEs IPC port (contains the server serial number) 12h 46 BYTEs ??? 40h 64 BYTEs null-terminated StreetTalk name of associated file service

80h 64 BYTEs null-terminated root directory (/ROOT:
Parameter of SETDRIVE)

See Also: #03410

Category: Network - Int 61h - B


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