Int 67/AH=1Fh

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Qualitas 386MAX v7.00 - MEMLIMIT - API

AH = 1Fh
DS:SI -> request packet (see #03523)

AH = status (00h successful, 84h invalid function code, etc.)

See Also: AH=1Eh

Format of 386MAX MEMLIMIT request packet: Offset Size Description (Table 03523) 00h WORD function code (00h-0Fh) 02h WORD return code (see #03524) 04h 4 BYTEs ??? 08h WORD ???. ???

(Table 03524) Values for 386MAX MEMLIMIT return code: 00h unknown request 01h invalid parameter for VCPI limit 02h VCPI limit set 03h invalid parameter for EMS limit 04h EMS limit set 05h DPMI disabled 06h XMS disabled 07h XMS limit set 08h unable to uninstall 09h unloaded

Category: Memory Management - Int 67h - Q


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