Int 67/AH=57h

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AH = 57h
AL = subfunction
00h move memory region
01h exchange memory region
DS:SI -> structure describing source and destination (see #03653)

AH = status (see #03652)

Note: Source and destination may overlap for a move, in which case the copy direction is chosen such that the destination receives an intact copy of the source region

(Table 03652) Values for EMS function status: 00h successful 80h internal error 81h hardware failure 83h invalid handle 84h undefined function requested 8Ah invalid logical page number encountered 8Fh undefined subfunction 92h successful, but a portion of the source region has been overwritten 93h length of source or destination region exceeds length of region allocated to either source or destination handle 94h conventional and expanded memory regions overlap 95h offset within logical page exceeds size of logical page 96h region length exceeds 1M 97h source and destination EMS regions have same handle and overlap 98h memory source or destination type undefined A2h attempted to wrap around 1M conventional address space

Format of EMS copy data: Offset Size Description (Table 03653) 00h DWORD region length in bytes 04h BYTE source memory type 00h conventional 01h expanded 05h WORD source handle (0000h if conventional memory) 07h WORD source initial offset (within page if EMS, segment if convent) 09h WORD source initial segment (conv mem) or logical page (EMS) 0Bh BYTE destination memory type 00h conventional 01h expanded 0Ch WORD destination handle 0Eh WORD destination initial offset 10h WORD destination initial segment or page

Category: Memory Management - Int 67h - L


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