Int 61/AH=06h

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PC/TCP kernel v2.05 - net_info - GET INTERFACE STATISTICS

AH = 06h
BX = network descriptor (must be allocated and open)
DS:SI -> 38-byte buffer for interface statistics (see #03455)

CF clear if successful buffer filled CF set on error AX = error code (see #03319)

Desc: Returns the statistics relevant to the particular network interface used by the specified network descriptor

INT 20 to INT E0, selected by configuration

See Also: INT 61"FTP Software" - INT 61/AH=00h"PC/TCP" - INT 61/AH=05h"PC/TCP"

Format of PC/TCP interface statistics: Offset Size Description (Table 03455) 00h WORD interface class (e.g. 802.3) 02h WORD type (manufacturer) of interface 04h WORD interface number 06h DWORD (big-endian) IP address of interface 0Ah DWORD subnet mask 0Eh WORD 0001h if interface is up 10h DWORD total packets received 14h DWORD total packets sent 18h DWORD receive errors 1Ch DWORD send errors 20h WORD length of local net address (e.g. 0006h for Ethernet) 22h DWORD pointer to local net address

Category: Network - Int 61h - P


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