Int 61/AH=05h

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AH = 05h
CX = number of bytes to copy
(max. 0175h for VINES 4.00, max. 017Fh for VINES 4.10+)
SI = offset of area to be copied (see #03452,#03453)

AX = status 0000h successful 0004h out of range

Notes: The PCCONFIG area is located in the code segment of the BANV handler. To find out which PCCONFIG structure applies, call this function first with CX=0006h to get the VINES revision number

See Also: AH=02h"VINES" - AH=04h"VINES" - AH=06h"VINES" - AH=0Bh"VINES"

Format of PCCONFIG area (VINES 4.00): Offset Size Description (Table 03452) 00h 6 BYTEs VINES revision (ASCII, zero-padded) 06h 2 BYTEs NEWREV-number (ASCII, two digits) 08h WORD hardware interrupt level 0Ah WORD DMA channel 0Ch WORD I/O address 0Eh DWORD adapter ROM address (linear) 12h DWORD adapter RAM address (linear) 16h WORD BANV interrupt 18h 32 BYTEs default login group #1 38h 32 BYTEs default login group #2 58h 32 BYTEs default login group #3 78h WORD semaphore locking support flag 7Ah WORD extended StreetTalk flag 7Ch WORD maximum number of file volumes 7Eh WORD NetBIOS flag 80h 60 BYTEs default network adapter BCh 60 BYTEs default communications driver F8h WORD maximum number of SPP connections FAh WORD maximum number of open sockets FCh WORD communications buffer size (10..60 KB) FEh 20 BYTEs location directory on drive Z: 112h 33 BYTEs auxiliary configuration area #1 (see #03454) 133h 33 BYTEs auxiliary configuration area #2 154h 33 BYTEs auxiliary configuration area #3

See Also: #03453

Format of PCCONFIG area (VINES 4.10+): Offset Size Description (Table 03453) 00h 6 BYTEs VINES revision (ASCII, zero-padded) 06h 2 BYTEs NEWREV-number (ASCII, two digits) 08h WORD hardware interrupt level 0Ah WORD DMA channel 0Ch WORD I/O address 0Eh DWORD adapter ROM address (linear) 12h DWORD adapter RAM address (linear) 16h WORD BANV interrupt 18h 32 BYTEs default login group #1 38h 32 BYTEs default login group #2 58h 32 BYTEs default login group #3 78h WORD semaphore locking support flag 7Ah WORD extended StreetTalk flag 7Ch WORD named pipes support flag 7Eh WORD maximum number of file volumes 80h WORD NetBIOS flag 82h 60 BYTEs default network adapter BEh 60 BYTEs default communications driver FAh WORD maximum number of SPP connections FCh WORD maximum number of open sockets FEh WORD communications buffer size (10..60 KB) 100h WORD number of mailslots 102h WORD maximum number of open files 104h WORD maximum number of NetBIOS sessions 106h WORD maximum number of NetBIOS commands 108h 20 BYTEs location directory on drive Z: 11Ch 33 BYTEs auxiliary configuration area #1 (see #03454) 13Dh 33 BYTEs auxiliary configuration area #2 15Eh 33 BYTEs auxiliary configuration area #3

Format of auxiliary configuration area: Offset Size Description (Table 03454) 00h 16 BYTEs item name (no zero terminator if length = 16) 10h BYTE item value type (1=text, else numeric) 11h 16 BYTEs item value (string if type 1, else DWORD)

See Also: #03452 - #03453

Category: Network - Int 61h - B


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